I have an above ground pool. Every year we used a solid cover, and I'd pump the collected water out and then use a rake to get the leaves out. This was a big chore, so this year we decided to try something new.
This year we bought a mesh cover, to allow water to go thru it into the pool. That way there should be no water on top of the cover and we could "blow" the leaves off. Well, this really backfired. Early on (in the fall) we noticed that the water was not seeping thru the cover (as the manufacturer claimed). Our pool looks like a lake - and the leaves have been submerged all fall and winter. So yesterday, I decided I'd better pump some water off it so I started this yesterday and today I see that the water is still there, only the cover is lower - which looks like water is coming up thru the cover (or the cover sunk into the water).
Has anyone used these mesh covers for their above gnd pools? The manufacturer instructed us to lay the cover on the top of the water (not have it suspended above) - so it makes sense that water could come up from under the cover. Did we put the cover on backwards (does water go one way thru it?). I'm so confused by this.