What reason to use salt chlorinator?

SWGs, salt water chlorine generators, chlorinators,
ozone generators, UV systems, . . .

What reason to use salt chlorinator?

Postby Alan » Sat 16 Dec, 2006 12:36

Our maintenance contractor proposed our apartment to replace the tablet chlorinator by an Aqua Rite salt chlorinator in our indoor pool (20000 gal.).
Anybody could give me some advices of the advantage to apply this new equipment?

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Postby dynamictiger » Sun 17 Dec, 2006 16:20

At 20 000 gallons there is a chemical cost advantage over any other form of chemical. Essentially with a salt system all you need to do once the pool water is salted initially is to top up the salt about 3-4 times a year, and replace the salt cell at about 5 year intervals.

The salt cell can be expensive to replace and this is the important factor often left out of the cost equation. It is important to calculate this in to your calculations.

Users of salt pools claim the water feels softer and is better feeling than chlorinated water.

The salt used is substantially less than that in the ocean often around 10% as salty as the sea.

Provided you do not have any brass, iron or other mild steel components in your system, a salt chlorinator is a very cost effective solution.

The one caveat to this is stainless steel filter vessels. If you have one of these you are better off replacing it now as the salt system will accelerate the corrosion of this vessel.


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