Confused by what chemicals to use

What is floc, clarifier, stabilizer, cyanuric acid,
algaecide, brightener, dichlor, sodium hypo,
sodium bisulfate, ....??
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Confused by what chemicals to use

Postby TimboZero » Sun 24 Jul, 2011 01:13

Hello all,

My pool is an 8x4m, 42000liter in-ground outdoor pool. It was for the last 4 years a salt pool with electrolytic chlorination. The pool is a Desjoyaux pool which has an 'all in one' pod at the deep end that skims , filters (with a fabric sack sort of thing) and returns (via 2 eyes).

Last year the algae was hard to subdue when I opened the pool for summer and this year it was near impossible. We have had an unusually sunny period here over the last 12 weeks which finally 'broke' this week. The problem was that the electrolyser had failed and I am currently running the pool without one. This initially caused a disaster due to my lack of pool chemical knowledge (got a ridiculous CYA level) resulting in an 80% drain and refill.

I have now a hardness of 220, alkaninity of 75 and pH being maintained at approx 7.4-7.5 without much trouble. The water is currently only 22°C due to the refill, lack of sunny weather since the refill and no summer cover (till it shows up in 2 weeks). I initially shocked the new water with HTH shock (cal-hypo) and then let the level drop back down to about 5ppm before starting with 4 action trichlor tablets (only used 1 so far and due to add next this weekend). I had intended to continue with the trichlor tablets at about 1 per week to keep chlorine at desired levels, shock as needed with cal-hypo and use the 'Sol Guard' summer cover once it arrives to reduce chemical consumption.

Since reading a lot after my lack of knowledge forced a drain/refill i have researched a lot but, since coming to these forums I have seen even more scary things. Is my pool currently as it should be ? Will my intended treatment plan cause any problems for me either now or in the longer term ? Is there a better way for me without expensive outlay ?

Many Thanks


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Confused by what chemicals to use

Postby czechmate » Sun 24 Jul, 2011 07:43

Take the advantage of cooler water and supershock the pool to kill remnants of algae and its roots in the plaster, that may not be visible to the eye.
Brush dilligently afterwards and backwash the algae remnants out of the filter surface.
Often times people stop the process when they almost 80% done, thinking thay got it whipped.
You spend enough time and money already not to proceed to the end.
Even if it is just for insurance it is a bargain compared to frustration if algae reappears later on.
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Confused by what chemicals to use

Postby TimboZero » Sun 24 Jul, 2011 16:36

Thanks for the reply czechmate, what would you suggest to super shock , about 1kg of cal-hypo dissolved in water and pour in slowly around the edges with slightly more at corners and the roman steps ? Or I could buy in some liquid chlor to shock ?

What about the plan to use trichlor from now on , is this a good plan or would the expense of replacing the electrolyser be a better plan in the long term ?



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