Help Please with Algacide

What is floc, clarifier, stabilizer, cyanuric acid,
algaecide, brightener, dichlor, sodium hypo,
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Help Please with Algacide

Postby wragusa » Fri 25 May, 2012 09:23

two days ago i put in some Agacide in my pool. I bought it from a local pool store that has been around for over 20 years. this is the item i used. Blue seal imperial black algae out.
While i was putting the product in the water the bottle slipped out of my hand and fell in the pool. by time time i was able to fish it out of the water the ENTIRE bottle emptied into the water. The next day my pool looked like a bathtub with soap looking water. I also ran a water test for PH and Chlorine in the water. the PH levels are perfect but i see no Chlorine in the water at all. I put in a bunch of tablets and still get no reading. I would think that thr Agacide is the root of my issue. What can o do to fix this. This is my first time caring for a pool at all. I was told to just let my filter fun for a day or two to remove it. I also read a few placed that said to drain it ?
TO drain do i just backwash the filter ?

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Help Please with Algacide

Postby chem geek » Fri 25 May, 2012 15:31

The algaecide you used is what is known as a "linear quat" which tends to foam especially if you use too much or have aeration of water. It also gets used up by chlorine faster than the far superior (though more expensive) Polyquat algaecide. Anyway, just shock with chlorine until you get and hold a chlorine reading. The foam will eventually dissipate and you will eventually be able to hold a chlorine level again. See how to Shock Your Pool.
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Help Please with Algacide

Postby wragusa » Fri 25 May, 2012 15:51

so this is not good stuff ?
the poll store was selling it for 22.00 dollars.
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Help Please with Algacide

Postby chem geek » Fri 25 May, 2012 20:59

No, it's not as good as Polyquat 60 such as GLB Algimycin® 600 since this won't foam and won't break down as quickly from chlorine. However, if you maintain your pool properly with an FC appropriate for the CYA level as shown in the Chlorine / CYA Chart, then you won't need algaecide at all.
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Help Please with Algacide

Postby rchelius » Thu 21 Jun, 2012 04:32

Another stupid stunt...I, too, dumped a whole 64oz bottle of 20% Alkyl agaecide in my 7000 gallon pool. I'd like to say it was an accident, but it wasn't - I was just stupid and too tired to read the WHOLE set of directions. So, after reading all of the posts, I'm expecting a frothy mess...but, I have a chrystal clear pool with no algae and no foam. A little cloudy yesterday (right after I did the deed), but nothing this morning. I'm waiting for the other shoe to it safe to swim in?

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