pool chemicals

What is floc, clarifier, stabilizer, cyanuric acid,
algaecide, brightener, dichlor, sodium hypo,
sodium bisulfate, ....??

pool chemicals

Postby I'mnoscientist » Wed 23 Jun, 2010 14:08

A home test kit shows low pH, and a computer analysis of the water shows high alkilinity. (My pool guy had a computer analysis of the water, and I have a home testing kit.) They don't seem to agree. The pool guy recommends "slo n go" to reduce the alkilinity, but the container tells me not to use the product if pH is low. Am i missing something here?

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pool chemicals

Postby lbridges » Wed 23 Jun, 2010 14:30

Low pH means the water is tending acidic.

Slo n Go is a product to lower pH. It's generic name is Dry Acid (sodium bisultfate) and does the same thing as muratic acid from Lowes, Homes Depot, etc - only for a lot more money.

I think it's the pool guy who is missing something.

If you really do have low pH, then you need to add soda ash (Arm & Hammer brand "Super Washing Soda"- find it at Wally World).

Try out the pool calculator (its free and can be saved to a local disk to be used offline) to tell you what to add: http://www.thepoolcalculator.com/
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pool chemicals

Postby poolfilters » Tue 03 May, 2011 06:42

Chlorine Gas also known as Mustard gas was use in the early days for chemical warfare and is deadly. For any new pool owner make sure you never mix acid and chlorine that is a receipt for disaster
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pool chemicals

Postby andrrewdamien » Sat 02 Jun, 2012 10:21

Chlorine is chemical that even non-pool entrepreneurs can name off the top of their head. It eliminates viruses and plankton. Swimming poll water smashes down into hydrochloric acidity and hypocrite ion among other different chemical that oxidize viruses and harmful bacteria.
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