Average Pool Leak

Leaks in the pool, plumbing, filtration system, skimmer, ...
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Deb Northridge, CA

Average Pool Leak

Postby Deb Northridge, CA » Mon 01 Sep, 2008 11:24

During the summer our pool loses maybe a 1/4 inch a day...is this normal? We already had possible leaks repaired (lights, skimmer and crack in plaster)> What else could be wrong, causing more leaking?[code][/code]


Re: Average Pool Leak

Postby Guest » Tue 02 Sep, 2008 13:54

A 1/4" would be normal in So. Cal. If you want to know for sure, Google "bucket test" and give that a try. It will tell you if it's evaporation or a leak.

Deb Northridge, CA wrote:During the summer our pool loses maybe a 1/4 inch a day...is this normal? We already had possible leaks repaired (lights, skimmer and crack in plaster)> What else could be wrong, causing more leaking?[code][/code]

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