Gunite pool losing water 2-3 inches/day

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Gunite pool losing water 2-3 inches/day

Postby losin_it » Mon 08 Sep, 2008 15:52

Gunite pool 5-6 yrs/old. Pool is losing water 2-3 inches/day - filter NOT running. I've been adding water daily and trying to find the problem. Finally, I decided to let it drop until it stops. Well, it isn't stopping. It's below the light and still falling. I realize it has to be the main drain(s) because there's nothing left that could cause that much water loss so quickly. Last night, I put a piece of wax paper over them and weighted it down with upside down plates. I'll check it when I get home from work today.

This all started after I vacuumed-to-waste about 3 weeks ago.

I'm trying to take care of this myself. I'm a do-it-yourself lady, but I've gone as far as I know how on this.

Helpful advice on what to do next will be extremely appreciated :)

~ losing_it


Gunite pool losing water 2-3 inches/day

Postby poolside » Mon 02 Mar, 2009 15:55

Posted this earlier to another pool owner. The FIRST place I'd start is at the backflush valve. Pump running or not this can be leaking water through to the sewer drain (even if the pool is situated BELOW the pump level. Find your sewer discharge line in the house if you can, and listen for even a SLIGHT sound of water dripping or running. My pool lost 200 gallons a day until we pinpointed it to a faulty backflush valve. It was actually pulling water uphill on its own from a vacume in the line. This fix is a lot cheaper than sending a diver in the pool with testing equipment. Backflush valves need to be service at least once a year if not sooner. O-rings need to be greased and in good condition or they will leak.

Next places to look are skimmer baskets and light fixture. Do the dye test on these.

If all these fail to find the leak, then finally send the diver in. Good luck.
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Location: wisconsin

Gunite pool losing water 2-3 inches/day

Postby mollygirl » Sun 19 Apr, 2009 11:09

Did you figure out the problem? I'm losing about 3-4 inches a night when the pump is off, but when the pump is on, the water level rises. I assumed I had a crack in the skimmer or main drain piping and it was sucking in water from the ground and blowing it back in. One by one, I covered the outlets to see if I would loose water, and narowed it down to the main drain, any suggestion?

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