Possible to choose fiberglass as the surface for a new gunite pool?

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Possible to choose fiberglass as the surface for a new gunite pool?

Postby bkprice13 » Sun 24 Mar, 2019 20:32

We are building a gunite pool at our new place. We have to choose between a plaster finish and pebble finish. We don't like the look of pebble, but the newer plaster surfaces don't last very long.

At a previous home, we re-surfaced an old gunite-and-plaster pool with fiberglass and it looked great, was easy to care for, was very durable. Loved it.

So the question is, why isn't fiberglass an option when you are first building a pool? Or can it be? I can imagine getting plaster, and then when it starts to fall apart in 10 years, we'll just have to get fiberglass then. Why not now?


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Re: Possible to choose fiberglass as the surface for a new gunite pool?

Postby Denniswiseman » Mon 25 Mar, 2019 05:25

If you are keen on fibreglass why didn't you go for a fibreglass pool
Not sure on what finish is best but would assume that the gunite would have to be smooth and dry to get the resin to bond
It's probably more expensive overall, that's why it isn't specified
Have you spoken to your pool builder about it
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Re: Possible to choose fiberglass as the surface for a new gunite pool?

Postby Teapot » Mon 25 Mar, 2019 06:10

You should be able to use fibre glass, plenty of old concrete pools repaired with it.
Other alternatives like polyurea and aqua bright
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Re: Possible to choose fiberglass as the surface for a new gunite pool?

Postby sktn77a » Wed 25 Sep, 2019 15:50

Its impossible to get a fiberglass coating as smooth as plaster (look at fiberglass renovations of old plaster pools). It's also more expensive and doesn't last much longer than a plaster finish. It's usually reserved for renovations/repairs of cement pools for a reason.
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Re: Possible to choose fiberglass as the surface for a new gunite pool?

Postby kandy477 » Thu 13 Jan, 2022 10:15

Look into ecoFINISH. Its non-porus and PH neutral and after ecoFINISH over plaster your maintenance will basically the be the same as a fiberglass pool. If it were me, I'd go with cheap white plaster and then resurface it with ecoFINISH when your pool is due for a resurface in about ten years or so, or even sooner, if you like.
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Re: Possible to choose fiberglass as the surface for a new gunite pool?

Postby Teapot1 » Thu 13 Jan, 2022 12:35

I did recommend aquabright in the first post, that being a product of the Ecofinish range.
I may not give you the answer you want to hear, but I will give an honest opinion of your situation as you decribe it.
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Re: Possible to choose fiberglass as the surface for a new gunite pool?

Postby coffeeblvd » Mon 04 Dec, 2023 15:39

kandy477 wrote:Look into ecoFINISH. Its non-porus and PH neutral and after ecoFINISH over plaster your maintenance will basically the be the same as a fiberglass pool. If it were me, I'd go with cheap white plaster and then resurface it with ecoFINISH when your pool is due for a resurface in about ten years or so, or even sooner, if you like.

I got an aqua bright https://ecofinishcoatings.com/aquabright/ from eco finish and it's as smooth if not smoother than any fiberglass coating I've felt. It's definitely worth resurfacing earlier if you can make the switch.

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