can someone identify which pipes go where please?

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can someone identify which pipes go where please?

Postby Poolowner123 » Sat 30 Jul, 2016 12:18

Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 18.16.43.png
Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 18.16.43.png (337.08 KiB) Viewed 387 times
Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 18.16.43.png
Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 18.16.43.png (337.08 KiB) Viewed 387 times
Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 18.16.43.png
Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 18.16.43.png (337.08 KiB) Viewed 387 times

Hi there guys, i'm a total newbie sorry and i'm trying to figure out which pipe goes where and what this metal box attached is for? any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Location: UK midlands

Re: can someone identify which pipes go where please?

Postby odbob » Tue 02 Aug, 2016 03:17

bottom right, return pipe from pool. Metal box looks like an electric heater but not sure, could be a calorifier, are there any other connections , ie either electric or a second couple of pipe connections?, from the metal box the pipe would be the pool water circulation back to the pool, the discharge pipe to the left of the filter, is to drain

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