Black bottom pool

Algae problems in swimming pool water.
Green (cloudy) water or slimy pool walls.
Black algae. Mustard algae. Pink or white pool mold.
Susie B

Black bottom pool

Postby Susie B » Thu 27 Sep, 2007 15:55

Is it difficult to convert my existing pool into a black bottom pool?

Swimming Pool Pro
Swimming Pool Pro
Posts: 167
Joined: Fri 07 Jul, 2006 08:11
Location: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

Postby Walter » Mon 08 Oct, 2007 09:04

Not sure what you mean by black bottom pool? What kind do you have now? What type of material is black bottom?
We are a custom pool and spa builder. We can only offer suggestions with the information given. Don't hesitate to email me if you have a questions and I will answer it as best as I can or point you in the right direction.

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