water keeps turning green again

Algae problems in swimming pool water.
Green (cloudy) water or slimy pool walls.
Black algae. Mustard algae. Pink or white pool mold.

water keeps turning green again

Postby sharon » Sat 20 May, 2006 23:09

The pool was brushed, shocked and the fliters where cleaned, the algae is coming back . we have auto chlorine system with tabs and even after we dump gallon of chloriine in, the green comes back. When we took a sample to a local pool store. They told us to drain the pool and start over. Is there another way to fix this without draining the pool.


Postby Guest » Wed 24 May, 2006 14:35

This has happened to me in the past and I added stabalizer to keep the chemicals in the pool. Once the pool is stabalized the chemicals will maintain their levels and it shoudl clear up.

Also, make sure that you use clarifier after using algaecide to clump the fine particals together and vaccum on waste. Good luck.

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