Rust leaking out of skimmer

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Rust leaking out of skimmer

Postby beanPoolOwner » Thu 14 Sep, 2023 02:13

I have a lot of rust developing around my skimmer:



I removed the inside white plaque and saw the screws' heads were rusty.

I will replace the screw, but I wonder if that could be a symptom of another problem, like the skimmer not being sealed correctly, or something like that?

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Re: Rust leaking out of skimmer

Postby Teapot1 » Thu 14 Sep, 2023 05:29

Doubtful, more likely water chemistry, aggresive water on the langlier saturation index.
Have you some water test results we can see?
Also the screws can be low grade stainless so use titanium or 316 stainless steel.
I may not give you the answer you want to hear, but I will give an honest opinion of your situation as you decribe it.
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Re: Rust leaking out of skimmer

Postby beanPoolOwner » Fri 15 Sep, 2023 02:57

Understood, I will buy a water test strip to measure iron and check.
The only test strips I have right now measure pH, alkalinity and chlorine levels. These levels are all fine.

Thanks a lot @Teapot1 for your insight.
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Re: Rust leaking out of skimmer

Postby Teapot1 » Fri 15 Sep, 2023 03:01

Sadly test strips are wildly innacurate, yes you get a colour change but often very far out. The tests you have on your strips are the ones we need but accurate from a proper test.
pH, Alkalinity, calcium hardness, chlorine levels and CYA. Also the temperature of the water.
I may not give you the answer you want to hear, but I will give an honest opinion of your situation as you decribe it.

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