no suction for vaccuuming

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no suction for vaccuuming

Postby Pooldummy » Fri 11 May, 2007 19:28

I gots no suction. Everything seems to be in perfect working order until I go to hook up the vacuum into the skimmer and then I get nothing!
It's getting really hot and I want to swim! HELP!


Postby chrisinspring » Fri 11 May, 2007 19:53

Do you have the other suction lines cut off? How old is your pool filter system, it could be taking in air and causing the pump to lose it's prime. If so, then first start be replacing the pump lid o ring, then the valves with new o rings. Worse case you might need to re plumb.
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cutting off other suction lines

Postby judurant » Mon 14 May, 2007 19:02

[quote="chrisinspring"]Do you have the other suction lines cut off? .[/quote]

How do you do that? This is our first pool, and I'm having the same problem with my vacuum. I guess there's a suction line to the bottom of the pool, and I have no idea how to turn it off, so when I put my vacuum line into the skimmer, I hear the water go into the hose, but then the vacuum just sits there. I'll bet that's the problem!

Please do tell!


Postby sparkwatercleaner » Mon 14 May, 2007 21:20

These "lines" are valves near the pump, on the suction line of it. Usually, there are three, one for the main drain, one for skimmers and one (less common) is the one that opens the vaccumming port on one of the walls. You will need to do certain testings so as to know which valve opens each line.
Hope it helps

Postby spark... » Mon 14 May, 2007 21:23

Also check that the filter is not too clogged, as this will produce a weaker suction

Postby Guest » Tue 15 May, 2007 07:23

sparkwatercleaner wrote:These "lines" are valves near the pump, on the suction line of it. Usually, there are three, one for the main drain, one for skimmers and one (less common) is the one that opens the vaccumming port on one of the walls. You will need to do certain testings so as to know which valve opens each line.
Hope it helps

I went out and looked, andthere are no valves near the pump. Is that possible?

Spark said to check that the filter is not too clogged. Aside from the basket near the filter, and the pressure gauge (I backwash when it gets too high), what else is there I can do? It's a sand filter.

Thanks, again!

Postby sparkwatercleaner » Tue 15 May, 2007 10:05

Don't you have another place where you think these valves may be? Near the pool, inside a box, etc? If not, your filter is most probably sucking from both the main drain and the skimmer(s), so when you vaccumm, your suction is half as it would have to be

Re: no suction for vaccuuming

Postby Guest » Wed 16 May, 2007 21:52

Pooldummy wrote:I gots no suction. Everything seems to be in perfect working order until I go to hook up the vacuum into the skimmer and then I get nothing!
It's getting really hot and I want to swim! HELP!

did you try shutting down the drain valve and shut off one of the skimmers? I kept losing vaccumm because of a small leak in the vaccumm line

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