Skimmer doesn't suck in debris. Please help.

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Skimmer doesn't suck in debris. Please help.

Postby fmonte555 » Fri 28 Jun, 2024 16:36

When I stick my fingers down into the skimmer it sucks very hard however at the front of the skimmer at the water level it does not suck in any debris unless it's about an eighth of an inch away. I normally have my skimmer and my main drain fully open. I have closed the main drain line completely and that seems to help but are there any other things I could try? Thank you.

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Re: Skimmer doesn't suck in debris. Please help.

Postby Teapot1 » Sat 29 Jun, 2024 02:14

You are worrying too much, yes leave the main drain closed as that doesn't actually do very much at all but does reduce the skimmer action. If you feel water coming from your return inlets then everything is working as the water can only come from the skimmer.
I may not give you the answer you want to hear, but I will give an honest opinion of your situation as you decribe it.

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