Need a plan of attack!

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Need a plan of attack!

Postby stanton » Thu 06 Sep, 2007 18:07

I'm not to to owning a pool...just new to doing it right as far as checking this and that. Alright..what my test shows reflects my neglect and lack of knowledge on pool care. I just switched to a copper ionizer need a plan to get this right.

23750 gals vinyl liner and sand filter.
ph 7.4
FC 1.5
TC 1.5
CC .1
Calc 30
TA 70
CYA 95
TDS 500

I know I have to drain my pool to get the cya levels down. I see it would be cost effective to do that first before trying to add all the other stuff just to have it pumped out. After getting the cya down what would be the next move and so on?

pool doctor

Postby pool doctor » Wed 26 Sep, 2007 14:39

adjust your alk 1st, then your ph. You'll prob have to get your chlorine back up too. I wouldn't worry about the calc, especially if you use the cal hypo shocks.

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