Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Causes and cures for cloudy swimming pool water.
Milky pool water, white, pink, brown, purple, black cloudy water.
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Denniswiseman » Wed 30 May, 2018 06:16

Cesolar wrote:
chem geek wrote:You need to get yourself a good test kit -- either the Taylor K-2006 or the TF-100. Read the Pool about Defeating Algae and how to Shock Your Pool.

Thanks for sharing!I dumped a 3 gallon pail of chlorine in about 4 days ago, that is what switched it from green to cloudy, and also what I called "shocked".
There is about 3-4" of visibility in there, pretty bad..
I went in it yesterday to have a better look/feel, there is no slime. Besides the color you would never know anything was wrong..

As "chem geek" said you need to get a decent test kit (K2006c or TF100) because you need to test regularly
You have an algae bloom and need to Slam (Shock Level and Maintain) with relation to your Chlorine / CYA Chart and your recommended Pool Levels
Keep brushing, filtering and backwashing


Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby AleeshiaLane » Thu 14 Jun, 2018 15:20

Need help
Hardness: 500
TC: 1
Total Alkalinity:120

14 foot 3.5 deep above ground pool
Blue green cloudy.
White particles floating throughout.
Used Shock/Algaecide
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Denniswiseman » Thu 14 Jun, 2018 16:39

Your figures are way off but you haven't included CYA(Cyanuric acid)
Also what is your pool construction
It seems you have an algae bloom
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Teapot » Thu 14 Jun, 2018 22:49

Above ground suggests vinyl liner pool. Is the water grey/blue from dead algae? What filter & pump setup have you and has the pool got a surface skimmer or just a pipe through the wall to the pump?
Nicky Morgan
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Re: Frustrated with cloudy water

Postby Nicky Morgan » Sun 02 Jun, 2019 08:54

Steve P wrote:Hi everyone

My pool (above ground 12' x 3' deep) water is cloudy and I can't seem to fix it. The ph level is in the normal range. Algae became a problem when we were away so I added a gallon of standard bleach than lots of flocculent. Nothing. Does anybody have any advice?

Good to hear that others have this problem too. If there is any solution... please let me know.
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Denniswiseman » Sun 02 Jun, 2019 10:18

Read the previous posts. The solution is in there
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Re: Frustrated with cloudy water

Postby Teapot » Sun 02 Jun, 2019 16:23

Nicky Morgan wrote:
Steve P wrote:Hi everyone

My pool (above ground 12' x 3' deep) water is cloudy and I can't seem to fix it. The ph level is in the normal range. Algae became a problem when we were away so I added a gallon of standard bleach than lots of flocculent. Nothing. Does anybody have any advice?

Good to hear that others have this problem too. If there is any solution... please let me know.

Hi Nicky a bit more information on your pool, filtration and pump/plumbing would help along with latest water test results.
You need to shock your pool (SLAM) as Dennis says. Shock is a process not a product, It's raising the free chlorine level high enough and holding that level with regular additions of chlorine until everything is oxidised out of the water. Your filtration can only remove what it can and that's the difference between great filtration and poor, poor will get there it just takes longer.
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Re: Frustrated with cloudy water

Postby GoshaCruel » Tue 26 May, 2020 12:07

Steve P wrote:Hi everyone

My pool (above ground 12' x 3' deep) water is cloudy and I can't seem to fix it. The ph level is in the normal range. Algae became a problem when we were away so I added a gallon of standard bleach than lots of flocculent. Nothing. Does anybody have any advice?

Essentially, if your pool is green or cloudy , this means one thing: there is insufficient or no chlorine whatsoever in your pool. If you plan to shock the pool, this means that you should be adding a lot of chlorine. Doing a test beforehand is important.

You should also test for pH: if the pH is too high, the shock will make your pool cloudy. And you don’t want that either.
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby kevbo3178 » Wed 27 May, 2020 08:11

I have a 24 ft above ground pool with cartridge filter. I cannot get my pool cleared up this season as of yet. The water is blue and cloudy. I've had the water tested 3 times t 2 local pool stores and each time they said everything looks good and to continue running the filter for 24 hours until clear, which I've bene doing for 2 weeks.

The issue I'm having is foaming on the surface of the pool (dirty film) as well as a scum line on the vinyl liner and grey gooey sludge stuck on the cartridge as well as inside the filter and in the housing of the skimmer basket. The sludge is very difficult to remove and I'm unsure what the grey sludge is or how to put a stop to it. When I spray off the cartridge it will come off after while and when spraying the cartridge, a lot of soapy suds are also coming off. When I get the grey sludge on my hands it's very sticky and difficult to get off.

Any assistance is appreciated in identifying the issue and how to treat it and clear up the pool water.
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby jgrav8 » Sat 30 May, 2020 16:51

Hello all - my info below:

Problem: Opened for season on May 15. Water was not clear but became more cloudy over next week. Still cloudy after multiple remedies tried.
FC: 4
TC: 4
pH: 7.6
TA: 120
CH: 300
CYA: 55
My pool: Inground, 22000 gallon, vinyl liner
Pool chemicals: Liquid shock. Clear Aid
My pump & filter: Pentair Sand Filter model TA60D. Installed 2 years ago.
Other info: 80 degrees pool temp. No swimmers yet this year. From yesterday thru next several days, sunny and temps in 70s to mid 80s.

Readings are as of less than an hour ago. Yesterday, readings indicated high level of combined chlorine. Shocked this morning with 4 gallons liquid shock. Pump has been running around the clock. Waited 4-5 hours - added Clear Aid to pool.

I have been brushing this pool at least twice per day. I am not seeing much moving from bottom of pool anymore. Appearance is pale/dishwater type in shallow end. Deep end is also pale with a light blue/green hue.

Phosphates have increased from 100 yesterday to 400 today.

I have backwashed filter a couple of times since starting. As of now - pressure not increasing more than maybe 1 lb. above baseline reading.

Appreciate any direction you can help with.
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Denniswiseman » Sun 31 May, 2020 04:57

Forget about the phosphates they wouldn't increase that much overnight
If you had high levels of CC you should Slam (Shock Level and Maintain) with relation to Chlorine / CYA Chart and Recommended Pool Levels
With a CYA of 55 your shock level should be 22 and maintained untill clear with an OCLT (overnight chlorine loss test)
And then kept between 7-8
Forget about the chlorine tabs and use liquid chlorine unless you need to raise your CYA. They can be used if you are on vacation and can't rely on someone to dose the liquid chlorine
Excessive CYA renders your chlorine ineffective and you have to use more to get the same sanitation
For every 10 ppm Free Chlorine (FC) added by Trichlor, it also increases Cyanuric Acid (CYA) by 6 ppm.
For every 10 ppm FC added by Dichlor, it also increases CYA by 9 ppm.
For every 10 ppm FC added by Cal-Hypo, it also increases Calcium Hardness (CH) by at least 7 ppm
Keep an eye on the pressure and backwash when it gets 20% above normal
Where do you get your numbers from?
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby jgrav8 » Sun 31 May, 2020 08:32

Thanks for the details. I have a Taylor K2006C test kit arriving Wednesday.

Up to now, I have a local pool store that will do the readings of pool water.
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Denniswiseman » Sun 31 May, 2020 15:14

That's fine as the Taylor kit will give you everything you need to know as when slamming you need to take regular tests to keep the chlorine level elevated
In the meantime get some Liquid chlorine (sodium hypochloriteor plain bleach)
You can use Pool Maths to work out how much to add
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby jgrav8 » Sat 04 Jun, 2022 10:17

Ok folks - back again two years on. Same issue - different numbers. Part of my problem is one chemical in my Taylor kit (R-0011L) is not usable so I cannot detect CH. I also cannot get a read on TA as no matter how many drops I put in, it does not change to the correct color (it ends up as a yellow).

Here is what I read this morning:
TC = 26
FC = 26
pH = 7.0
TA = ?
CH = ?
CYA = 57

My pool: Inground, 22000 gallon, vinyl liner
Pool chemicals: Liquid shock. Algecide upon open.
My pump & filter: Pentair Sand Filter model TA60D. Installed 4 years ago.
Other info: No swimmers yet this year. From this past Tuesday thru tomorrow, sunny and temps in 70s to low 80s. Rain expected off and on most of next week.

Pool opened Tuesday of this week. Very green. 3 cases of liquid shock plus algecide. Followed in next couple of days by 2 more cases liquid shock. I have more on hand but the FC seems pretty high.

Color has changed from green to that milky white, blue/gray, slightly green color in the deep end. Still cannot see bottom even in shallow end.

Pump has run continuously and pressure not really increasing much unless I throw a little DE in to help the sand. Only done that once this week.

Will take sample to pool store to test. Replacement Taylor chems on the way as I usually test with Taylor K2006C

If there are any ideas on what else to try, I am happy to learn. Otherwise I will continue SLAM and hope this clears soon.
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Re: Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Denniswiseman » Sat 04 Jun, 2022 12:17

It seems that your figures are off. Wait till you get your pool store numbers
Wouldn't expect your TC and FC to be the same when your pool is green
A CYA of 60 you would need to SLAM at 24 so if you are maintaining it at 26 then it should work (how did you manage to get your kit to measure 57)

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