Causes and cures for cloudy swimming pool water.
Milky pool water, white, pink, brown, purple, black cloudy water.


Postby lilyfair » Sat 25 Jun, 2011 07:13

pace_stang wrote:I'm in the same boat as the rest, water tests good, cloudy, etc... The pool place says it's dead algae and needs to be removed, got the sock (today) and supposed to vacuum, etc etc...

Anyone with any suggestions? I've been at this for 10 days now, shocked, chlorine, stabilizer, and clarifier since then... Live in Florida so not sure on the water.

Thanks in advance.

i live in kentucky and im having the same problem just ready to close mine short of draining it. ive been to three different pool places 20 and 30 years experience all tell me the same thing i have flocked it shocked it clarified it changed my filter sand and all my readings say everythings fine but yet it dosent want to hold clorine for very long. they tell me to just super shock it i have nothing works, i take my water to them evey week for a read out i dont think any of them know what is wrong with the water they just keep selling you the products and you still have cloudy water my pool bottom is clean my sock in the skimmer basket is clean, AND THEY WANT TO CHARGE YOU MONEY FOR ASKING A QUESTION THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY TRIED.... good luck ive been trying to clear mine since april 5th and ive spent almost 1000 dollors in chemicals not worth it....

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Postby frustratedinNC » Thu 07 Jul, 2011 09:29

Hi everyone!!

I'm from page 12 and I finally have clear water in my dad's pool!! I'll tell you what all I did and maybe it will work for you.'ve probably done it all...but I'll share anyway because I'm happy I have a solution that worked for me:

Let me say that I have spent around $200 doing what everyone said and I think only one of the things actually worked. That's is putting the mustard green algae killer in the pool. Of course, the water was still cloudy. THEN I found other internet sites that gave me some ideas. Here goes:

After a week of the mustard algae stuff being in the pool and shock and etc....I turned off the Polaris and let the water sit. I kept the pump on. The next day the water was a little bit clearer, then the next day and then the next day...I could actually see through to the bottom of the deep end! EUREKA! I could see clumps of algae or something in the bottom so I decided to vacuum.
I "vacuumed", backwashed and rinsed...but when I went to turn the handle thingy back to "filter...the stuff just shot out again! ARGH! I was told that I needed to vacuum to waste. (After going back to the pool place for the umpteenth time). Got up the next morning to vacuum to waste to find out that THAT feature didn't work on my dad's pump! (crap!) So, I did one more thing: I put a filter sock on the skimmer baskets and let the water settle again. (Still no polaris running). I went on vacation and while I was gone, my dad turned on the polaris and put in more shock because of a rain one day, which got the algae stirred up...and PRESTO...clear water. The socks (actually women's knee highs) caught up all the algae as the pump sucked the water into the filter and by the skimmer baskets. I cam home from vacation, checked the baskets and couldn't believe how clogged the socks were with algae. Now we have clear water. I wish I had pictures of before and after to show you, but I don't.

I hope this helps some of you out.
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Postby frustratedinNC » Thu 07 Jul, 2011 09:33

OH Yes! I also forgot that I put at least 3-4 cholorine tablets into each skimmer basket....That was before I left on vacation and when I decided to turn and keep the Polaris off. THAT got the chlorine level up in the pool and, I think, may have helped clear the water, too. I'm keeping at least 3 in each from now on. Haven't even checked any levels since then (meaning Ph or other..).

Good luck!
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Postby chem geek » Thu 07 Jul, 2011 12:31

In the future, read Defeating Algae. Yes, skimmer socks can be very helpful as well, though usually that is to remove pollen on an ongoing basis, but it can be used for algae as well if one's filter isn't up to the task. As for killing algae, if the Cyanuric Acid (CYA) level is high in the pool, then chlorine won't be as effective so diluting the water to lower the CYA level is usually the best thing to do since long-term a high CYA will just cause problems again. Shocking with chlorine at an FC that is appropriate to the CYA level (see this chart) will kill algae though yellow/mustard algae requires higher shock levels of an FC that is around 60% of the CYA level.


Postby leno » Thu 07 Jul, 2011 15:09

sand filters are the worst filter you can have and are the slowest to cleanup and algae filled pool. I suggest buying a small bag of DE and adding 1lb DE thru the skimmer to help out. Remember when the pool is green the only thing you should worry about is the chlorine staying at shock level and running the filter 24/7 backwashing when pressure rises until your pool is clear. after pool is clear and chlorine returns to normal level then adjust everything else.


Postby pantagruel » Wed 13 Jul, 2011 05:45

If all else fails chemically your filter medium, especially sand ,may need replacement.


Postby Drema » Thu 11 Aug, 2011 10:05

Don't panic..once your water has started getting cloudy, super floc is your best bet. Had my pool longer than you and have had the same problem. The white you see is dead algee. If you have alot of it that means the flock is doing it's job. Now you do yours. It's alot of work but it works. vacum and continue to vacum, backwash to waste so you don't filter it back into your pool. Shocking it isn't going to help or hurt it.
Add water to your pool so you can vacumn to waste...thats even quicker.

cloudyt blue water

Postby FARQ » Wed 21 Dec, 2011 03:12

Mullins wrote:i am beginning to believe you don't have a clue of what you are talking about. my pool is and was was a little hazy and i floc just as you immediately turned my water EXTREMELY cloudy. very little settled to the bottom. i have had no rain. this morning there is no improvement whatsoever!!!! NONE!!!! as you can see i am extremely upset...and you say floc again!!!! turn it even more cloudy!!!! i have had my pool for 15 years...never never had cloudy water this long!!!! i wished i had NEVER put the floc in and i wouldn't advise anyone to do this!!!!!! I WILL NEVEFR GET MY WATER CLEAR!!! I GIVE UP!!!

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cloudyt blue water

Postby czechmate » Fri 30 Dec, 2011 12:30

FARQ wrote:
Mullins wrote:i am beginning to believe you don't have a clue of what you are talking about. my pool is and was was a little hazy and i floc just as you immediately turned my water EXTREMELY cloudy. very little settled to the bottom. i have had no rain. this morning there is no improvement whatsoever!!!! NONE!!!! as you can see i am extremely upset...and you say floc again!!!! turn it even more cloudy!!!! i have had my pool for 15 years...never never had cloudy water this long!!!! i wished i had NEVER put the floc in and i wouldn't advise anyone to do this!!!!!! I WILL NEVEFR GET MY WATER CLEAR!!! I GIVE UP!!!


It does not make too much sense to comment on the summer problem in the winter.
Pool water behaves and response very differently at 88F and 44F.
In summer it may be a starting algae, in winter some chemical imbalance.
In either case "superflocking" is a useless waist of money.


Postby John75 » Sat 10 Mar, 2012 19:04

Hi Pat! Have you read this pool guide about water filtration and chemicals at and


Postby Smitty » Thu 19 Apr, 2012 17:21

You need to change your sand in your filter and check the manifold for a crack(the pipe that run through the middle of filter


Postby teen » Sun 01 Jul, 2012 14:17

guess im not going to use the floc, my pool is cloudy and have tryed EVERYTHING?? its been a week of backwashing,vacuming,and still cloudy.. not really sure now what to use? good luck with your pool
Ray & Cheryl


Postby Ray & Cheryl » Wed 04 Jul, 2012 11:50

Cloudy Pool Problem Solved With Quick Drain
This has been the most discouraging pool opening ever!!!!!!!! We have had a pool since 1985, we presently have a Jacuzzi pump and filter . This year…our pool water has been SO cloudy that we could NOT see the top rung of the ladder….let alone the bottom of the pool. The chemical readings were fine, we even went as far as changing the filter sand and still no good results, it seemed no matter what we did ended at a dead end. Then we got this bright idea to shut the pool down for one night, well would you believe it in the morning….everything had settled to the bottom….CLEAR….we could see the pool bottom the ladder everything!!!!! At this point it wasn’t hard to figure out what was going on, by keeping the pool running…this very light…almost like a talcum powder was forced to circulate or crawl if you will through the water keeping the pool cloudy, with the pool off for several hours it had a chance to settle to the bottom in pockets all over…NOW TO GET RID OF IT!!!! We used this new idea called “QUICK DRAIN” (check it out @ or With this new amazing device we were able to very quickly vacuum (with filter on waste) all of the pollutant from the pool. In order to completely eradicate the pollutant we knew there was going to be a good amount of water loss meaning the pool water level would probably need to go down below the skimmer also meaning that the pump would no longer be able to run. Thanks to Quick Drain which allows you to continue vacuuming with the water level BELOW the skimmer we didn’t need to shut the pool down. Once finished vacuuming with the filter dial back in the filter position we left Quick Drain inserted in the skimmer to continue recirculating the water until (with the help of a garden hose) it regained its original depth @ the skimmer, this also allowed us to continue enjoying our pool while Quick Drain was doing the work…. “QUICK DRAIN”…an amazing product
yurm om


Postby yurm om » Sun 05 Aug, 2012 16:46

What a dumb b.i.t.c.h. ^


Postby Guest » Mon 06 Aug, 2012 07:54

First take a water sample to a reputable pool store they usually do it for free and tell them you added Floc
I flocked mine about 20 years ago and hope I never have to again
It is a long process that way because once the particles drop to the bottom and you start to sweep
the fine lightweight partials start to float making it impossible to see again and again. There will be a product the pool place will suggest that will catch the particals and bring them to the top and out the skimmer
so you can keep your filter running also this way you can swim which also helps gets the
particles up and out.

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