- Problem: The cloudy water problem and when / how it started
- FC: free chlorine level
- TC: total chlorine level
- pH:
- TA: total alkalinity level
- CH: calcium hardness level
- CYA: cyanuric acid level (stabilizer / conditioner)
- My pool: type, size, surface
- Pool chemicals: the chemicals you use for pool maintenance (chlorine, bromine, ...)
- My pump & filter:
- Other info: water temp, bather load, abnormal weather or environmental factors
Depending on the problem, the type and size of pool, the pool surface, the pool pump and the filter details may be required. The more details you provide, the better your chances for a quick answer (and quick fix).
You can copy this template and paste it into your support request to make your cloudy water problem reporting easier:
Code: Select all
[b]My pool[/b]:
[b]Pool chemicals[/b]:
[b]My pump & filter[/b]:
[b]Other info[/b]:
And PLEASE use a descriptive title for your support request