angela delk wrote:I opened my pool on 5/28, the first few days were good all clear no problems then it turned cloudy and has been cloudy evesince I took samples to 3 different pool companies and had it tested all my levels were on the mark. they all said I needed a clarifier so I have done that 3 times with no results personally I am at my wits end I keep spending momey on all the stuff they say do and it don't work CAN YOU HELP ME PLEASE
Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
I had my water tested and was told that I had a chlorine demand. They told me to add 25 bags of burnout.
I did and now I have cloudy blue water. Can't see the bottom. How long should it take for the water to
I did and now I have cloudy blue water. Can't see the bottom. How long should it take for the water to
Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
Burn Out has calcium in it that will cloud the pool water! try adding Clear and Perfect by Natural Chemistry and let the filter run 24/7 and make sure that the eye ball of the return is pointed down and away from the skimmer, also make sure there is no ripple on top of the water because you want to filter under the water line not on top. Also only clean or backwash your filter when necessary, put your hand in front of the return and if the water is coming out nice and strong don't clean or backwash the filter.
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
Cloudy Pool Problem Solved With Quick Drain
This has been the most discouraging pool opening ever!!!!!!!! We have had a pool since 1985, we presently have a Jacuzzi pump and filter . This year…our pool water has been SO cloudy that we could NOT see the top rung of the ladder….let alone the bottom of the pool. The chemical readings were fine, we even went as far as changing the filter sand and still no good results, it seemed no matter what we did ended at a dead end. Then we got this bright idea to shut the pool down for one night, well would you believe it in the morning….everything had settled to the bottom….CLEAR….we could see the pool bottom the ladder everything!!!!! At this point it wasn’t hard to figure out what was going on, by keeping the pool running…this very light…almost like a talcum powder was forced to circulate or crawl if you will through the water keeping the pool cloudy, with the pool off for several hours it had a chance to settle to the bottom in pockets all over…NOW TO GET RID OF IT!!!! We used this new idea called “QUICK DRAIN” (check it out @ or With this new amazing device we were able to very quickly vacuum (with filter on waste) all of the pollutant from the pool. In order to completely eradicate the pollutant we knew there was going to be a good amount of water loss meaning the pool water level would probably need to go down below the skimmer also meaning that the pump would no longer be able to run. Thanks to Quick Drain which allows you to continue vacuuming with the water level BELOW the skimmer we didn’t need to shut the pool down. Once finished vacuuming with the filter dial back in the filter position we left Quick Drain inserted in the skimmer to continue recirculating the water until (with the help of a garden hose) it regained its original depth @ the skimmer, this also allowed us to continue enjoying our pool while Quick Drain was doing the work…. “QUICK DRAIN”…an amazing product
This has been the most discouraging pool opening ever!!!!!!!! We have had a pool since 1985, we presently have a Jacuzzi pump and filter . This year…our pool water has been SO cloudy that we could NOT see the top rung of the ladder….let alone the bottom of the pool. The chemical readings were fine, we even went as far as changing the filter sand and still no good results, it seemed no matter what we did ended at a dead end. Then we got this bright idea to shut the pool down for one night, well would you believe it in the morning….everything had settled to the bottom….CLEAR….we could see the pool bottom the ladder everything!!!!! At this point it wasn’t hard to figure out what was going on, by keeping the pool running…this very light…almost like a talcum powder was forced to circulate or crawl if you will through the water keeping the pool cloudy, with the pool off for several hours it had a chance to settle to the bottom in pockets all over…NOW TO GET RID OF IT!!!! We used this new idea called “QUICK DRAIN” (check it out @ or With this new amazing device we were able to very quickly vacuum (with filter on waste) all of the pollutant from the pool. In order to completely eradicate the pollutant we knew there was going to be a good amount of water loss meaning the pool water level would probably need to go down below the skimmer also meaning that the pump would no longer be able to run. Thanks to Quick Drain which allows you to continue vacuuming with the water level BELOW the skimmer we didn’t need to shut the pool down. Once finished vacuuming with the filter dial back in the filter position we left Quick Drain inserted in the skimmer to continue recirculating the water until (with the help of a garden hose) it regained its original depth @ the skimmer, this also allowed us to continue enjoying our pool while Quick Drain was doing the work…. “QUICK DRAIN”…an amazing product
Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
Top 10 Reasons Your Swimming Pool Water Might be Cloudy!
1. Inconsistent chlorination
2. Pump not running long enough
3. Water level too low
4. Pool filter dirty
5. Pool valve incorrectly positioned
6. Suction side plumbing leak
7. Variable speed pump improperly set
8. Skimmer or pump baskets filled with debris
9. pH has drifted too high
10. Had great pool party, oops too many people invited!
visit for more info.
1. Inconsistent chlorination
2. Pump not running long enough
3. Water level too low
4. Pool filter dirty
5. Pool valve incorrectly positioned
6. Suction side plumbing leak
7. Variable speed pump improperly set
8. Skimmer or pump baskets filled with debris
9. pH has drifted too high
10. Had great pool party, oops too many people invited!
visit for more info.
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Re: Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
Thanks for sharing
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Re: Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
The water usually becomes cloudy when the amount of pool chemicals in the water is imbalanced. This could be due to high alkalinity, high or low chlorine level. When the chemical balance is not right. Unwanted particles start accumulating in the water. Cloudy water can also be due to filter issues. I had this problem and then it got fixed after I called in inground pool builders( to look it up and fix the issue which they did. Cloudy water can come if the filter system is faulty or if you are not running your filter as per the required 8 to 10 hours daily. A filter constantly cleans the pool water. So if you do not use it properly the water would stagnant and thus make the water cloudy. Always check your pool after you shock it.
You can get rid of the cloudy water by using pool clarifier. Using it once every week is important. The pool clarifiers collect the tiny particles that are causing the pool water to become cloudy and binds them together to form larger particles so that the filter can easily pick them up. Since tiny particles are difficult to get collected by the filter the pool clarifier would clot them together so that the pool filter would find it easy to trap them. Vacuuming the pool is also another thing that you could do. When vacuuming make sure that the filter is set on the backwash option. If you are using a cartridge filter remember to remove the drain plug. You could vacuum all the cloudy water out of your pool. This is important because if you pass a lot of dirty water through the filter it may not function properly. And the dirty water will flow back into the pool. By vacuuming out the dirt it would not go through the filter system. Vacuuming the pool would result in the loss of so much water so make sure that there is fresh water getting into your pool during the vacuuming process. Despite the loss of huge amount of water, if done properly your pool will clear up within a day.
You can get rid of the cloudy water by using pool clarifier. Using it once every week is important. The pool clarifiers collect the tiny particles that are causing the pool water to become cloudy and binds them together to form larger particles so that the filter can easily pick them up. Since tiny particles are difficult to get collected by the filter the pool clarifier would clot them together so that the pool filter would find it easy to trap them. Vacuuming the pool is also another thing that you could do. When vacuuming make sure that the filter is set on the backwash option. If you are using a cartridge filter remember to remove the drain plug. You could vacuum all the cloudy water out of your pool. This is important because if you pass a lot of dirty water through the filter it may not function properly. And the dirty water will flow back into the pool. By vacuuming out the dirt it would not go through the filter system. Vacuuming the pool would result in the loss of so much water so make sure that there is fresh water getting into your pool during the vacuuming process. Despite the loss of huge amount of water, if done properly your pool will clear up within a day.
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- My Pool: 10k inground fibreglass, Telescopic Cover, Hayward Powerline pump, Quality filter with glass media, 27kw output heat pump, K-2006C test kit
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Re: Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
mistlin wrote:The water usually becomes cloudy when the amount of pool chemicals in the water is imbalanced. This could be due to high alkalinity, high or low chlorine level. When the chemical balance is not right. Unwanted particles start accumulating in the water. Cloudy water can also be due to filter issues. I had this problem and then it got fixed after I called in inground pool builders( to look it up and fix the issue which they did. Cloudy water can come if the filter system is faulty or if you are not running your filter as per the required 8 to 10 hours daily. A filter constantly cleans the pool water. So if you do not use it properly the water would stagnant and thus make the water cloudy. Always check your pool after you shock it.
You can get rid of the cloudy water by using pool clarifier. Using it once every week is important. The pool clarifiers collect the tiny particles that are causing the pool water to become cloudy and binds them together to form larger particles so that the filter can easily pick them up. Since tiny particles are difficult to get collected by the filter the pool clarifier would clot them together so that the pool filter would find it easy to trap them. Vacuuming the pool is also another thing that you could do. When vacuuming make sure that the filter is set on the backwash option. If you are using a cartridge filter remember to remove the drain plug. You could vacuum all the cloudy water out of your pool. This is important because if you pass a lot of dirty water through the filter it may not function properly. And the dirty water will flow back into the pool. By vacuuming out the dirt it would not go through the filter system. Vacuuming the pool would result in the loss of so much water so make sure that there is fresh water getting into your pool during the vacuuming process. Despite the loss of huge amount of water, if done properly your pool will clear up within a day.
There are a few errors in this post
1.Cloudy water is generally an indication of algae and you need to Slam. Check this first
2.There is no need to run your filter 8 to 10 hours daily, it's a myth whatever mixes your chems and cleans is sufficient
3.When vacuuming the filter should not be set to backwash as it will send the water round the wrong way. Set to waste and it bypasses the filter
4.If you pass dirty water through the filter it makes it more efficient and doesn't just pass straight through. Backwash your filter when it's 20% to 25% higher than your clean filter pressure
5.Vacuuming through the filter which is desireable to clean your pool will not reult in any water loss, only backwashing and vacuuming to waste will lose water
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Cloudy Pool Water Support READ FIRST
Hello. The pool on our sitesi has some algae growing round the edges. As the edges are not smooth the manager says he will have to empty pool to clean. I said he could increase chemicals but he says no.
Has anybody else had to empty pool at peak season?
Thanks in advance,Derek.
Has anybody else had to empty pool at peak season?
Thanks in advance,Derek.
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- My Pool: 10k inground fibreglass, Telescopic Cover, Hayward Powerline pump, Quality filter with glass media, 27kw output heat pump, K-2006C test kit
- Location: United Kingdom
Re: Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
You can do what we call a Slam (Shock Level And Maintain) with relation to your Chlorine / CYA Chart
You can swim up to shock level for your CYA with no problems
You really need to be using liquid chlorine
Can you supply a complete set of numbers
You can swim up to shock level for your CYA with no problems
You really need to be using liquid chlorine
Can you supply a complete set of numbers
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Re: Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
Have had a pool for 24 years. This year I'm having a problem I've never had before, and I think I'm guilty of blindly following the advice of my pool store.
I have an 18,000 gallon pool, vinyl liner, DE filter, and I use chlorine shock. After opening the pool 8 days ago, the numbers were as follows:
FC: 0
TC: 2.1
pH: 7.3
TA: 65
CH: 225
CYA: 0
After adding alkalinity and shocking, the free chlorine was still zero, and the pool remained very cloudy. Thus, the pool store advised FLOC, but after using and waiting 48 hours, the cloudiness remained and the surface of the water had whitish scum on it. Nothing could be seen on the floor of the pool due to the cloudiness. Next, the pool store advised using clarifier, which has resulted in the pool being a little less cloudy. After using clarifier 2 times, and after vacuuming 2 times and backwashing 2 times, I can only run the pump a couple of hours before it becomes clogged. The numbers now are as follows:
FC: 0
TC: 0.8
pH: 7.8
TA: 115
CH: 275
CYA: 15
Should I continue to backwash and vacuum? What chemicals do you recommend? Thanks in advance for your help!
I have an 18,000 gallon pool, vinyl liner, DE filter, and I use chlorine shock. After opening the pool 8 days ago, the numbers were as follows:
FC: 0
TC: 2.1
pH: 7.3
TA: 65
CH: 225
CYA: 0
After adding alkalinity and shocking, the free chlorine was still zero, and the pool remained very cloudy. Thus, the pool store advised FLOC, but after using and waiting 48 hours, the cloudiness remained and the surface of the water had whitish scum on it. Nothing could be seen on the floor of the pool due to the cloudiness. Next, the pool store advised using clarifier, which has resulted in the pool being a little less cloudy. After using clarifier 2 times, and after vacuuming 2 times and backwashing 2 times, I can only run the pump a couple of hours before it becomes clogged. The numbers now are as follows:
FC: 0
TC: 0.8
pH: 7.8
TA: 115
CH: 275
CYA: 15
Should I continue to backwash and vacuum? What chemicals do you recommend? Thanks in advance for your help!
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- My Pool: 10k inground fibreglass, Telescopic Cover, Hayward Powerline pump, Quality filter with glass media, 27kw output heat pump, K-2006C test kit
- Location: United Kingdom
Re: Cloudy Pool Water Support - READ FIRST
Looking at your first set of numbers you had combined chlorine (the used up part of chlorine) and you should have Slam (Shock Level and Maintain) with relation to Chlorine / CYA Chart and Recommended Pool Levels
The FLOC should have been vacuumed to waste because it clogs the filter
Continue the SLAM process, don't blindly follow pool store advice
Are your numbers from a pool store or your own. You really need to get yourself a decent FAS/DPD test kit (Taylor K2006c or TF Testkits TF100 in the states) to get accurate results as maintaining an appropiate shock level means testing quite often during the day
Use these common products to balance your pool
Liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite or plain bleach)
Muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) to lower pH and TA
Bicarbonate of soda to raise TA
Aeration will raise pH only
Soda ash will raise pH and TA
Excessive CYA renders your chlorine ineffective and you have to use more to get the same sanitation
For every 10 ppm Free Chlorine (FC) added by Trichlor, it also increases Cyanuric Acid (CYA) by 6 ppm.
For every 10 ppm FC added by Dichlor, it also increases CYA by 9 ppm.
For every 10 ppm FC added by Cal-Hypo, it also increases Calcium Hardness (CH) by at least 7 ppm
You can still use Trichlor and Dichlor to raise your CYA or when you are away
The FLOC should have been vacuumed to waste because it clogs the filter
Continue the SLAM process, don't blindly follow pool store advice
Are your numbers from a pool store or your own. You really need to get yourself a decent FAS/DPD test kit (Taylor K2006c or TF Testkits TF100 in the states) to get accurate results as maintaining an appropiate shock level means testing quite often during the day
Use these common products to balance your pool
Liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite or plain bleach)
Muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) to lower pH and TA
Bicarbonate of soda to raise TA
Aeration will raise pH only
Soda ash will raise pH and TA
Excessive CYA renders your chlorine ineffective and you have to use more to get the same sanitation
For every 10 ppm Free Chlorine (FC) added by Trichlor, it also increases Cyanuric Acid (CYA) by 6 ppm.
For every 10 ppm FC added by Dichlor, it also increases CYA by 9 ppm.
For every 10 ppm FC added by Cal-Hypo, it also increases Calcium Hardness (CH) by at least 7 ppm
You can still use Trichlor and Dichlor to raise your CYA or when you are away
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- Joined: Thu 21 May, 2020 16:49
- My Pool: inground pool; 18,000 gallons: DE filter.
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