sediment at the bottom

Causes and cures for cloudy swimming pool water.
Milky pool water, white, pink, brown, purple, black cloudy water.

sediment at the bottom

Postby shelly » Tue 06 Jun, 2006 11:24

Help! My pool was really couldy, then I added a floc and that cleared it up and put it to the bottom, but when I try to vacuume, it all gets stirred up again! My pump has an on and off switch, no vac to waste or anything. Help!


Postby Guest » Tue 06 Jun, 2006 20:18

If your filter does not have a vac to waste, and it is above ground - you could overfill the pool a little, prime the vaccum hose, then throw the end of the hose over the side of the pool to siphon instead of running it through the filter.
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pool problems

Postby dawgriver » Thu 15 Jun, 2006 11:03

My pool was really cloudy too! I added shock and now the whole bottom is covered in alage. I really need some help here! If anyone can lend some sound advice it would mean the world to me.


dawgriver :(
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pool problem

Postby dawgriver » Thu 15 Jun, 2006 11:07

I suppose i should have mentioned that I have a dolfino steel frame above ground pool. This is the first time ever owning a pool, and well I guess I'm a dummy...... I can't seem to get anything right!!!! :x

sediment at the bottom

Postby poolowner2 » Sat 27 Jun, 2009 17:27

im having the same problem even after this year buying the salt water system, what im doing bcause i have an automatic pool cleaner and the alge just runs back into the pool or gets stirred up i have placed a panty hose more like a womans trouser sock sold at walmart on the inlet back into the pool where the water is returned i just open it up around the basket strainer or opening it stays on but every once and while it will come off so i also place a larger elastic rubber band around also and you be suprised the alga and sand that my sandfilter doesnt filter, it will because the trouser socks are alittle finer than panty hose but just enough to allow water to flow through as you vacum. and for what gets stirred up im hoping between my using the skimmer and my net for the larger pieces that its going to get it hopes this helps ive got almost all of the alge out of my pool.

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