Ok, here's the scoop! I finally convinced my husband to take a sample of our water to a local (reputable) pool store.......they do free readings. All levels in our pool were "fine" (Omg - I was shocked) BUT we really need to filter it, filter it, filter it better (get the point?) I think husband was trying to use the same filter over and over again and you apparently cannot do that with these pools. SO, I suggest we go and buy about 6 - 8 more of said filters and change them more often than had been done in the past. I believe "we" were trying to make a filter last 2 weeks and you just can't do it. Change it weekly (or even more often?) Oh and did I mention that pool store said STOP all chemicals (that might just be in our case though) because out of desperation we would just shake a little of this and a little of that, trying to clear it up overnight. After a week of excellent and diligent (sp?) filtering......WE CAN SEE OUR FEET AT THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL.
Good luck you guys.....let me know how it goes for you, ok?