cloudy and confussed!!

Causes and cures for cloudy swimming pool water.
Milky pool water, white, pink, brown, purple, black cloudy water.
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cloudy and confussed!!

Postby dawgriver » Fri 16 Jun, 2006 08:31

I just bought a dolfino steel set pool.... Crazy as i was i thought it would be easy to maintain! Well i have been trying to clear the water for two weeks and all i have is MILK! My husband said he was gonna just give up on it.The kids and i are really upset! :cry: can anyone help me prove to my husband that we can fix this problem?Also we have only test strips and they are (NO!!!!) help.


dawgriver :oops:


Dolfino above ground pool dilemma....

Postby sueseq » Tue 18 Jul, 2006 14:14

OMG.......our stories are the same!!!!! I wouldn't say our water is like "milk" but it has been cloudy since about week 3 of setting up Dolfino pool (at least I'm sure that's what we have?? - will double check tonight) Test strips are useless. My hubby has given up as well. I'm tempted to take a sample of water to local pool place and beg for help. Kids are disappointed too (but continue to swim in it - ewwwwwwwwww). Your post was from June - any luck as of yet or any suggestions???

Postby Guest » Tue 25 Jul, 2006 02:36

I have the same pool too and am having the same problem mine is really cloudy cant see anyones feet that is for sure. So please let me know what you guys do to fix this

Cloudy Pool Prob's

Postby sueseq » Sun 30 Jul, 2006 22:33

Ok, here's the scoop! I finally convinced my husband to take a sample of our water to a local (reputable) pool store.......they do free readings. All levels in our pool were "fine" (Omg - I was shocked) BUT we really need to filter it, filter it, filter it better (get the point?) I think husband was trying to use the same filter over and over again and you apparently cannot do that with these pools. SO, I suggest we go and buy about 6 - 8 more of said filters and change them more often than had been done in the past. I believe "we" were trying to make a filter last 2 weeks and you just can't do it. Change it weekly (or even more often?) Oh and did I mention that pool store said STOP all chemicals (that might just be in our case though) because out of desperation we would just shake a little of this and a little of that, trying to clear it up overnight. After a week of excellent and diligent (sp?) filtering......WE CAN SEE OUR FEET AT THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL. :-)

Good luck you guys.....let me know how it goes for you, ok?

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