simply blue pool

Algae problems in swimming pool water.
Green (cloudy) water or slimy pool walls.
Black algae. Mustard algae. Pink or white pool mold.
Blue Pool
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simply blue pool

Postby Blue Pool » Mon 19 Jun, 2006 10:26

If you have a liner pool I strongly suggest checking out simply blue pool. For $19 a bottle you will save loads of money on pool chemicals. With Blue you don't need startup kits or winterizing kits. Just swim and have fun in a crystal clear pool. I'm still on the same bottle now for over a year. Great stuff!!! Oh you will need a copper/pristine blue test kit to use Blue.


Postby Guest » Mon 19 Jun, 2006 17:45

Yes, and it will also cure grey hair, make you lose weight , and most likely prevent diseases too ........ geeze.. and if you order today a free set of steak knives will be sent to you free ! But wait there's more ...!!!
Blue Pool
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Location: Louisiana


Postby Blue Pool » Mon 19 Jun, 2006 19:12

I tell you what for the price I will put this product up against anything out there. I've been using this for over three years and it is great!! And just how long have you been using Blue? I would have to say never!!!! You must be another pool company sales person that is scared to death to see a product like this on the market. It will run all the rest out of business. Do you think Pristine Blue is a good product? Everyone I have ever talked to loves Pristine blue but can't stand the price. Well blueools is identical to Pristine blue except it is %100 concentration. With Blue one bottle can last a full year on a 10,000 gallon pool. Try that with any product out there. YOU CAN"T BEAT IT. So I hope you learned something here

Postby Guest » Tue 20 Jun, 2006 18:16

No - I'm just a simple pool owner with 20 yrs experience. I never used anything but chlorine, ph plus and ph minus, and a little water clarifier when needed. Never had a problem. Buy a test kit and learn how to use it.

I would never use this product because of the way you abused this site, as well as other sites. One post would have been enough to get your message accross.

Whoever maintains this site should just deletes all his posts, as he will continue to hijack the discussions until he gets tired and finds a new one.

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