we bought a larger pool (above ground) this year. We have been having the worst time trying to get it clear. The minute we add shock and algecide it turns cloudy. can anyone help us????????
We used flock and vaccuumed and it was clear , we added water and shock, voila! cloudy again. HELP
pool water clouds after adding shock and algecide
what is your chlorine and ph testing at?? Sometimes( i think, don't hold me to this) high ph can cause low chlorine and the cause clouding, use a floater and add some chlorine and see what that does, make sure all your readings are good, and have patience, mine was cloudy and then all the sudden( after doing NOTHING for several weeks) it was clear!!
Re: pool water clouds after adding shock and algecide
tonih wrote:we bought a larger pool (above ground) this year. We have been having the worst time trying to get it clear. The minute we add shock and algecide it turns cloudy. can anyone help us????????
We used flock and vaccuumed and it was clear , we added water and shock, voila! cloudy again. HELP
I have the exact same problem. Were you able to figure out how to fix the problem?
If you use a shock product like clcium hypochlorite, you will have a temporary clouding issue, until all the calcium goes into solution in the water. This usually happens when the water is warmer thus the saturation is higher.
It would then become clear again.
Other reason would be that you were on the verge of an algae problem and the chlorine and algicide has changed the color
It would then become clear again.
Other reason would be that you were on the verge of an algae problem and the chlorine and algicide has changed the color
pool water clouds after adding shock and algecide
Sounds like you have metals in your water. Add a Metal Out or a metal Control to the water. Then after 24 hours rinse or backwash filter and then add chlorine,
this should keep the chlorine from reacting to the metals.

pool water clouds after adding shock and algecide
Stop using bags of shock its to much for your pool. Alot of the above ground pool filters are not good enough to catch everything fast as they are to small. Use liquide chlorine which will not cloud the pool. Have your water tested and see what levels your at. If you have the tiny cartridge filter I suggest buy a couple more & switching it out once a week then clean it so you can reuse it. You also have to run your pump long enough each day 4-6hrs as alot of people dont.
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