white foam on surface

Algae problems in swimming pool water.
Green (cloudy) water or slimy pool walls.
Black algae. Mustard algae. Pink or white pool mold.

white foam on surface

Postby Sue » Thu 22 Jun, 2006 15:40

Hello, I am so happy to find a help message board for pool owners.

Here is my problem and I am hoping someone has an answer. We just opened our pool a few days ago. We vacummed, added algaecide (I think I overdid it with way too much) and shocked. Changed the DE and started seeing white bubbles that turned to foam. I shocked it again. We have a 12x24 4 ft pool. We have been doing an exhange of water and have probably exchanged close to half the pool water already but still have the white foam on the surface. The water is clear under the foam. The foam dissipates when the filter is shut off.

Has anyone ever had this problem? Is it possible it is the DE leaking into the pool? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


foam on pool

Postby June » Sat 01 Jul, 2006 08:03

I'd be interested to see replies for this too. We have had a pool for 14 years and this has never happened to us before.

Postby Guest » Mon 03 Jul, 2006 09:27

I did this last year. The algicide that I used was for the different kind of pool water system. I guess there is two different kinds of systems. It made a white foam when you swam around, but it sure did fix the algae.

Postby Guest » Tue 04 Jul, 2006 07:12

peroxide based systems don't mix

white foam

Postby sue-gg » Fri 20 Apr, 2007 09:20

Anonymous wrote:peroxide based systems don't mix

have got exactly the same problem. Foam appears as soon as skimmer is started up and dissapears when turned off. 1 week now and no sign od dissapearing; I think (or rather sure) that it's due to incapitable chlorine and algae shock treatments. So what does one do now? apart from changing the water completely. Any ideas???

Postby MikeR » Fri 20 Apr, 2007 12:48

I had this problem last year when I moved into a nwe home with an in-ground pool. It occured very shortly after adding the HTC brand algaecide purchased from our local Wal-Mart. I contacted HTC from the 800 # on the bottle and their answer was I didn't shake the bottle well enough, that there is an anit-foaming agent added and it had seperated from the product.

I replied that I shook it well for at least a minute and it didnt seem to help and their come back was it must have been on the shelf for some time then.

Since that, we now purchase our pool chem's from a "pro shop"

Hope this helps.
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Re: white foam on surface

Postby paluther » Tue 24 Apr, 2007 20:45

I have had the same kind of problem. I have been dipping mine out and wetting it with the hose. It almost looks like sop suds. Mine is just about cleared up.

Here is my problem and I am hoping someone has an answer. We just opened our pool a few days ago. We vacummed, added algaecide (I think I overdid it with way too much) and shocked. Changed the DE and started seeing white bubbles that turned to foam. I shocked it again. We have a 12x24 4 ft pool. We have been doing an exhange of water and have probably exchanged close to half the pool water already but still have the white foam on the surface. The water is clear under the foam. The foam dissipates when the filter is shut off.

Has anyone ever had this problem? Is it possible it is the DE leaking into the pool? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.[/quote]
pool boy Joe

white foam on surface

Postby pool boy Joe » Thu 10 May, 2007 23:40

I too have the same problem this year (first time in 12 years). I've tried skimming it out of the pool for the last 4 days but it keep coming back. If i shut off the pump the stuff goes away but returns as soon as I start the pump. I have no clue what is causing this. I used a pool opener kit (shock, algaecide, stain remover) from In The Swim (the same place I purchase all of my chemical from every year). If anyone has a solution to this pond scum I would love to hear it. I plan on calling in the swim on friday to see if they have any clues.
Bacquagoo user


Postby Bacquagoo user » Wed 06 Jun, 2007 11:21

I think I have an answer if the problem is dissapearing when the pump is turned off.

I am having the same problems with my pool. I just purchased a new home two weeks ago and the pool was neglected. I decided to try Bacquacil for a change just to compare. I am comfortable going through the conversion process if need be.

ANyways, after shocking the pool and running the filter overnight, the first night produced a heck of a lot of foam. Could be from an overdoes of extra algaecide I thought, since I did add a little bit more than needed due to high levels of slime all over. (Not hte best solution) However, the next night, I ran the filter again after filling the pool a bit more, and NO FOAM. (So this lowered the Alagecide on the suspect list).

Last night, after backwashing my filter, I ran it again. FOAM EVERYWHERE! HOwever, in addition to the foam, I can hear a frothy noise coming from my intake hose off the skimmer. There was a leak here that I had temporarily fixed with tape(I need to eventually replace the hosing because the previous owners neglected everything). The night before, when there was no foam, this leak wasn't a problem, the hsoe was quiet. Last night, I believe the hose bent a different way causing some air to get through the tape. I noticed bubbles in the intake just before the pump when I started it last night. So the bubbles were being produced somewhere between the skimmer and the entrance to the filter.

Once you get below the foam, my pool has made great progress clearing up. So it could be a problem with a leak in the hoses somewhere. It's probably either air getting into the filter and bubbling, or one of your chemicals (like certain algaecides) getting stired up in the filter and bubbling.

Same story

Postby Dramik » Tue 10 Jul, 2007 14:41

MikeR wrote:I had this problem last year when I moved into a nwe home with an in-ground pool. It occured very shortly after adding the HTC brand algaecide purchased from our local Wal-Mart. I contacted HTC from the 800 # on the bottle and their answer was I didn't shake the bottle well enough, that there is an anit-foaming agent added and it had seperated from the product.

I replied that I shook it well for at least a minute and it didnt seem to help and their come back was it must have been on the shelf for some time then.

Since that, we now purchase our pool chem's from a "pro shop"

Hope this helps.

Same thing happened to me! Wal-Mart and HTP. What did you buy to be rid of the foam? Thanks!
South TX Poolguy
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Postby South TX Poolguy » Fri 13 Jul, 2007 20:36

Omni makes a line of anti foaming agents.
omnipool dotcom

See if there is a dealer near you.
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Postby Backglass » Sat 14 Jul, 2007 10:13

Using your test kit, please post a full set of numbers so we can see where you are at.

That way we can give real advice rather than guessing.
Pool hater


Postby Pool hater » Fri 17 Aug, 2007 10:15

I only open my pool when my children visit me. The water was clear as could be. I added the start up programme ( no Algicide) Then, today, after a thunderstorm Foam started up. Having had this problem a couple of years ago and a fairly strong acid water did the trick I checked the PH, and adjusted it. My pool products provider said it was caused by Algi. So I added a little algicide. Now it is worse and seems to be coming out, direct from the filter,.in great clouds The main thing is Is it dangerous for my grandchldren to swim in it? As everyone remarks the water under the foam is clear.

Anyone know any magic cure?
Pool hater


Postby Pool hater » Fri 17 Aug, 2007 10:16

I only open my pool when my children visit me. The water was clear as could be. I added the start up programme ( no Algicide) Then, today, after a thunderstorm Foam started up. Having had this problem a couple of years ago and a fairly strong acid water did the trick I checked the PH, and adjusted it. My pool products provider said it was caused by Algi. So I added a little algicide. Now it is worse and seems to be coming out, direct from the filter,.in great clouds The main thing is Is it dangerous for my grandchldren to swim in it? As everyone remarks the water under the foam is clear.

Anyone know any magic cure?
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Postby Backglass » Fri 17 Aug, 2007 10:20

Chlorine is your magic cure. ;)

Using your test kit, please post a full set of numbers so we can see where your water is at.

That way we can give real advice rather than guessing.
I'm no expert...just a long time pool owner. The real experts are at www . troublefreepool . com

Download Bleachcalc free at troublefreepool . com /files/BleachCalc262.exe and start saving money on chemicals.

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