Air in the system and Main drain not sucking coreectly

Water bugs, swimming insects and sweat bees.
Foaming bubbly water. Frogs in the pool.
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Air in the system and Main drain not sucking coreectly

Postby Chazrefere » Sun 05 Jun, 2005 07:42

My pool is running like it's running on seven cylindees (instead of eight). I have a cartridge filter system and I cleaned them thoroughly with a pressure sprayer.

I put everything back together and therer still appears to be air in the system.

The water is cloudy and I have releived the air pressure from the pressure relief vave, but still I can see air bubbles in the first and second filter as well as the in-floor cleaning system.

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Air in the system and Main drain not sucking coreectly

Postby Gov » Sun 05 Jun, 2005 15:26

Check for any leaks of water when filter is off.
If you are getting any drips, you are also sucking air...

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