my own wrote:Pool Hacker wrote:If you have an INTEX 8110 Chlorine Generator that continuously gives you salt level codes that prevents you from continuing to chlorinate (when you have verified that the salt ppm is OK) you may be interested in a "fix." It requires a little technical aptitude, but it works great. I'll never go back to chlorine tabs or granular. I'll post the fix based upon the positive responses.
so whats the fix ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
Re: Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
I just encountered a problem with my 8110 and thought others may run into this issue as well. The symptom was, I set the time, wait a few minutes and the Green LED turns on to indicate it is working. Very shortly after the cycle started the display blanks and the unit appears to be dead. Cycling the power switch does not bring the unit back to life. Unplugging it for a number of seconds appears to reset the unit and I can repeat the above sequence of events. The unit is a couple of years old and had been working during this season as well up until yesterday.
I managed to determine what was wrong and it is functioning again. On the circuit board there are two connections that go from the terminal strip to the electrolytic plates. The leads on the terminal strip are quite large and it appears when they originally soldered the terminal strip to the circuit board they did not apply enough heat. Over time the solder connection deteriorated and the connection became very resistive and generated enough heat at the solder joint that it finally failed. I cleaned the terminal strip lead and the corresponding pad on the circuit board and re-soldered the connection. While I was at it I went ahead and re-soldered all of the terminal strip leads.
I managed to determine what was wrong and it is functioning again. On the circuit board there are two connections that go from the terminal strip to the electrolytic plates. The leads on the terminal strip are quite large and it appears when they originally soldered the terminal strip to the circuit board they did not apply enough heat. Over time the solder connection deteriorated and the connection became very resistive and generated enough heat at the solder joint that it finally failed. I cleaned the terminal strip lead and the corresponding pad on the circuit board and re-soldered the connection. While I was at it I went ahead and re-soldered all of the terminal strip leads.
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
Thanks for all your help with the dreaded 91 error. First I tried the VR1 resistor CCW turn and that helped for a couple of hours. Now I have rewired as recommended to bypass the circuit board. When I plug it in there are no lights at all - someone had posted that the green light should still be on after this fix. Can someone confirm that? I'm not sure if mine is working or not after the rewiring. PS. My unit worked ok for a couple of years but this year it's all 91 error.
thanks, Greg
thanks, Greg
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
please post the fix. I added six 40 lb bags of salt yesterday and am still getting the 91 code (low salt). Help summers running out and the kids want to swim.
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator code 91
I get the code 91 after 2hrs of run time exactly. Any ideas? The first season I had no problems at all it is a model 8110 manual is copywrite of 2004 but bought it 2yrs ago. fustrated
Intex 2004 8110 Chlorine Generator saltwater pool system man
i bought a 24x48 intex metal frame pool with the 2004 intex chlorine generator saltwater pool system. everything went great intell we noticed we have no manual or instructions for nothing . the pool is filled and we put 200 pounds of 99.5% salt stuff in it after it desolved in big bucks first,then we pored it in the pool .anyways i need to know if im doing this wrong and i need a manual for the chlorine generator saltwater pool system i know if it is put together right.(my brother put it together). please help me ive looked ,surched,browsed everything. so i need help please.
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix (bypassing wires)
Mine gave me the 91 code first. Than after following instructions on cleaning (which it didnt even need it, was sqeaky clean) it after just 1 week of use. It started giving me the "service" light, and was not working at all. No chlorine bubbles were being generated. Intex said they can send me another one for free. In the meanwhile, I decided to check online for solutions. Some people spoke of rewiring/bypassing wires in the generator, so I opened mine up and tried it. I AM NOT AN ELECTRICIAN!! But I do know to unhook from the wall first. So the cord needs to first be pulled from the wall. What I did was unscrew the red and black wires from their "terminals" (I think thats what its called) coming from that "little black battery" to the "screw" (on the left side, where there are two black wires and one red and one white wire screwed). Dont unscrew anything from the "battery". Then I hooked the red wire together with the white wire (using same screw already with white wire), then I did the same thing with the black wire coming from the "battery" area and hooked it where the other black wired is. They look like this originally from top to bottom (red/from wall to battery) (black/from cell wire)(white/from cell wire)(black/from wall to battery). U also need to rewire the little red/black wire that is attached to the black fan. It needs to be unhooked where the red/black wire has a white squarelike tip (P1). than rehook it to the other square little "outletlike" thing closest to the fan (P6), left of the three blue squares. DO NOT BOTHER TURNING ON THE HOURS FOR THE TIMER, IF IT KEEPS SHUTTING DOWN THEN IT DOESNT WORK ANYWAY. You will need to time it on a manual alarm for the required time for chlorination (SEE: your manual for your pool size chlorination time). If you turn on the timer, then it goes into "service" light mode, than the fan will also shut down, that can cause things to heat up. But if you just let the "88" stay on the machine will stay on along with the fan. Because remember it is now directly hooked to the main wire leading to the GFCI. I will TRY TO POST video on youtube.
TITLE(cut and pase onto youtubes search bar):>>[Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for 8110 GENERATORvideo1]AND for the FAN >>[Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for FANvideo1]. i just did this today, so who knows it may heat up and blow up tomorrow. So if you like wait for me to post a positive OR negative remark by next week about the results, maybe sooner. Please note I am NOT responsible for YOUR results, if you attempt to do this, use discression and CAUTION. This post doesnt allow for pics, either that or I didnt figure out how to do it.
TITLE(cut and pase onto youtubes search bar):>>[Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for 8110 GENERATORvideo1]AND for the FAN >>[Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for FANvideo1]. i just did this today, so who knows it may heat up and blow up tomorrow. So if you like wait for me to post a positive OR negative remark by next week about the results, maybe sooner. Please note I am NOT responsible for YOUR results, if you attempt to do this, use discression and CAUTION. This post doesnt allow for pics, either that or I didnt figure out how to do it.
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix (bypassing wires)
[quote="shorty74"] I will try to put video on youtube. TITLE(cut and pase onto youtubes search bar):>>[Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for 8110 GENERATORvideo1]AND for the FAN >>[Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for FANvideo1] OOPS TITLE ON YOUTUBE FOR INTEX 8110 BYPASSING CELL WIRES IS VideoCellWires. NOT: [Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix)] AND for the rewiring of the fan the title on youtube is VideoFan1 NOT [Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for FANvideo1] Cut and pase or put titles onto youtubes search bar. SORRY im too soft spoken, I thought I was loud enough, but you can at least view the video to see which wires I moved around. Be sure to watch BOTH videos including the one about the fan rewiring, its important that the fan continues to run. Now remember once the machine is on and blinking "88" dont bother with the timer, unless you know for sure it wont go into "service" mode, Because once that light comes on it shuts off the fan, Just leave on the machine after your required hours of use (check with Intex manual).
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix (bypassing wires)
shorty74 wrote:shorty74 wrote: I will try to put video on youtube. TITLE(cut and pase onto youtubes search bar):>>[Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for 8110 GENERATORvideo1]AND for the FAN >>[Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for FANvideo1] OOPS TITLE ON YOUTUBE FOR INTEX 8110 BYPASSING CELL WIRES IS VideoCellWires. NOT: [Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix)] AND for the rewiring of the fan the title on youtube is VideoFan1 NOT [Intex Saltwater (chlorine) Generator Bypass wires (Fix) for FANvideo1] Cut and pase or put titles onto youtubes search bar. SORRY im too soft spoken, I thought I was loud enough, but you can at least view the video to see which wires I moved around. Be sure to watch BOTH videos including the one about the fan rewiring, its important that the fan continues to run. Now remember once the machine is on and blinking "88" dont bother with the timer, unless you know for sure it wont go into "service" mode, Because once that light comes on it shuts off the fan, Just leave on the machine after your required hours of use (check with Intex manual).
Cell rewiring Video:
Fan rewiring Video:
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
Boy, am I glad to hear that so many other people are having the same problems! I'm on my second one, and I keep getting the codes. The constant beeping drives me nuts! Please post the fix!
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
The salinity sensor determines salinity based on resistance. It is basically an ohmmeter. The sensor is calibrated to show the salinity that corresponds to the measured resistance. If you cut the wires going to the salinity sensor and wire in the correct resistance, the meter should show a good salt level.
I do not know what resistance levels correspond to what salinity levels. You could get a bunch of resistors and try them until you found one that works. ... Id=2062306
I would try the 2.2 k ohm resistor first and go from there.
Or, you could try a Potentiometer, which is a variable resister. ... Id=2032275
For the power supply ... upply.html
You should probably use a transformer rated up to 8 amps at 24 volts DC.
I am not an electrician. I have not done this, and I do not know if it will work. I am not 100% sure about this. I am not recommending that anyone do this. This is probably something that no one should try.
If you try this, it will void your warranty. If you don't know what you are doing, you could destroy your entire unit and possibly get seriously injured or even killed.
P.S: If you do try this and survive, could you please post the results?
I do not know what resistance levels correspond to what salinity levels. You could get a bunch of resistors and try them until you found one that works. ... Id=2062306
I would try the 2.2 k ohm resistor first and go from there.
Or, you could try a Potentiometer, which is a variable resister. ... Id=2032275
For the power supply ... upply.html
You should probably use a transformer rated up to 8 amps at 24 volts DC.
I am not an electrician. I have not done this, and I do not know if it will work. I am not 100% sure about this. I am not recommending that anyone do this. This is probably something that no one should try.
If you try this, it will void your warranty. If you don't know what you are doing, you could destroy your entire unit and possibly get seriously injured or even killed.
P.S: If you do try this and survive, could you please post the results?
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
To help determine the correct resistance, you could use an ohmmeter to test a sample of your pool water with the leads spaced the same distance as the sensor studs of the salinity sensor. The reading in ohms should be approximately correct. Try that resistor first.
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
This unit does not have a separate salinity sensor. It has a flow sensor, which is easy to check, and bypass if needed. I think it measures the actual resistance of all of the components in the system- the terminal connections, wire, cell plates, and water, using a Programmable Precision Reference TL431A(U1). It compares that through R50 and VR3 to the upper and lower resistance limits set on the board by R41/VR2 and R42/VR1 using an LM339N(U3). The result is a digital signal to the microcontroller(U4) on pins 11 and 12. As scale builds on the cell plates, the resistance goes up, adjusting the VR trim pots can widen the range of allowable scale build up. Too much salt decreases resistance and increases current flow, F1 and F2 are 10A-250V fuses that limit current to protect the transformer. Connecting the rectifier output directly to the cell bypasses the fuses and could destroy the transformer.
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Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
My generator just died completely.
The transformer in not outputting at all.
What/where can i get a transformer, and what are the exact specs i need?
The transformer in not outputting at all.
What/where can i get a transformer, and what are the exact specs i need?
James Haws
Intex 8110 Chlorine Generator Fix
Because of the timer inaccuracy starting each day, and because I might want to use this for two shorter periods each day instead of one long period, or whatever various ways you can think of, I want to control the unit from an external timer. I could precisely have my pump come on exactly 30 minutes before and stay on 30 minutes after if I could precisely control the 8110.
I am knowledgeable enough to build automation circuits using computers, relays, etc. The part I have a question about is this:
How can I turn the unit "on" without using the hack of bypassing the circuit board? I still want the functionality of the salt/flow sensor, salt-high, salt-low (as long as they are functioning properly of course... if they ever stop, I would disable them), fuses and over-current protection, the "green chlorine light", and most importantly I want the automatic cleaning/reverse functionality as well.
Are there 2 points on the board that I can short or otherwise manipulate to make the unit behave as though its own timer has started without actually using its own timer? Remember that I want it to still automatically reverse the polarity every 20 hours as it normally does, but without using its own daily timer. I will leave the unit hooked to main power all the time. If there isn't a way to make it auto-reverse, perhaps there are points on the board that can be shorted or manipulated to reverse the polarity without physically turning the cable around. I could use these points on the board with another relay to control the reverse polarity as well with my computer and relays. Worst case scenario, I could use relays to physically reverse the connections myself on a schedule, but since this functionality is built in, it would be nice to use that instead.
If some people are interested in this, I will keep updates posted.
I am knowledgeable enough to build automation circuits using computers, relays, etc. The part I have a question about is this:
How can I turn the unit "on" without using the hack of bypassing the circuit board? I still want the functionality of the salt/flow sensor, salt-high, salt-low (as long as they are functioning properly of course... if they ever stop, I would disable them), fuses and over-current protection, the "green chlorine light", and most importantly I want the automatic cleaning/reverse functionality as well.
Are there 2 points on the board that I can short or otherwise manipulate to make the unit behave as though its own timer has started without actually using its own timer? Remember that I want it to still automatically reverse the polarity every 20 hours as it normally does, but without using its own daily timer. I will leave the unit hooked to main power all the time. If there isn't a way to make it auto-reverse, perhaps there are points on the board that can be shorted or manipulated to reverse the polarity without physically turning the cable around. I could use these points on the board with another relay to control the reverse polarity as well with my computer and relays. Worst case scenario, I could use relays to physically reverse the connections myself on a schedule, but since this functionality is built in, it would be nice to use that instead.
If some people are interested in this, I will keep updates posted.
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