Salt Water Chlorinators/SWG's

SWGs, salt water chlorine generators, chlorinators,
ozone generators, UV systems, . . .

Do you recommend SWG's?

Total votes: 37
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Salt Water Chlorinators/SWG's

Postby vaughanwilliams » Mon 06 Jun, 2005 07:48

OK Guys,

Whats your feeling on the popularity of SWG's in your neck of the woods? We have just started a pool company in Cyprus, and they mostly haven't even heard of them. We are importing Watermaids from Australia and they are selling very well.


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Postby vaughanwilliams » Fri 10 Jun, 2005 10:24

So far, there have been 13 views of my last posting and no polls. Has no-one any views on SWG's?

regards to you all.


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Postby Gov » Fri 10 Jun, 2005 20:55

Sorry, never heard of them.
I didn't want to vote on something I knew nothing about.
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Sun 12 Jun, 2005 08:12

Take a look at watermaid(dot)com
There are also many American SWG's and I won't try to sell you one over another.

Vaughan Williams

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Octopus Pools

Salt Water Chlorinators

Postby askikr79 » Fri 17 Jun, 2005 21:30

i have one. i like it alot, it saves money not having to buy chlorine.
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Salt Water Chlorinators

Postby vaughanwilliams » Sat 25 Jun, 2005 02:25

Hi askikr79,

So thats a "Yes"?

I can't believe there aren't more SWG owners out there...

Vaughan Williams

Technical Director

Octopus Pools


Postby Guest » Mon 04 Jul, 2005 23:56

I own one also, works like a dream. Saves money and kids don't get that itchy and redness in the eyes, nor do they smell like chlorine. I'm in Vancouver BC Canada.

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Salt Water Chlorinators

Postby BraddockPools » Sun 17 Jul, 2005 23:17

I have 12-15 pools that are on my weekly route that have salt systems. They are both good systems. I am a dealer and warranty station for Chlor-matic and Aqua-pure. ( I hate Zodiac's system, terrible service and an inferior product.) The salt water systems will save you money on chemicals. Untill it breaks down. Parts are outrageously high and you will have to work on it between 3 and 4 years after you install it.

The red and ichy eyes and chlorine smell, mentioned above, is from improper chemical balance. The itchy eyes is most likely a Ph problem that you can still have with salt water pools. The Ph of a human's eye is 7.5 so anything that varies to much either way will irritate your eyes. The chlorine smell is from over chlorinating your pool. If you keep your chemicals right a salt system is no advantage in my opinion.


Re: .the cause of chlorine smell

Postby Guest » Wed 23 Nov, 2005 06:39

[The cause of chlorine smell in a pool is from the chlorimines. These are caused by incomplete oxidization of contaminants in the pool water. This creates nitrates which give the chlorine smell. It is a mistaken belief that this is caused by too much chlorine. If pool water is properly balanced and the appropriate levels of chlorine(or slightly higher) are maintained to keep orp levels within parameters there shouldn't be any chlorine smell ]

salt water pools / chl generators

Postby js » Mon 15 May, 2006 07:12

we have had a salt pool for several years - great to swim in but have encountered repeated staining of the marbelite surface - has anyone else had this problem?


Postby rojoromi » Mon 15 May, 2006 22:50

Going on three years with our generator. Central Valley CA. Hot summers!

Over the winter I have minimal maintenance with the SWG. I add minimal chlorine from mid Oct to early Apr. During the same period I add about 40lbs salt for my 24.5k gals every 4 weeks. We have an in ground heated spa that spills over into the pool and use it at approximately 2 days every other weekend during winter. My kids actually jump in the pool (about 50 degrees)!

During the summer, I have to add about 40 lbs of salt every other week. Plus I have to through in a packet of shock every 2-3 weeks. We use the pool almost daily from early May through late September.

We use an Aqua-rite generator and I have had problems finding any pool service that will maintain the generator and salt water levels as well as I would like them to :-( Picking up the salt is a hassle. I usually have my wife get it so that they will help her load it. Eight bags at 40 pounds each. In order not to discolor the Pebbletec (which I believe occured with one of my pool service trys) I always dissolve the salt first. Another hassle. I have rigged up a bucket with hose and let the pool return flush it out from the bottom of the bucket. This season is the first time I have had to really battle getting the chlorine levels up. Multiple shocks and almost no change in the readings :-(

Would I buy a SWG again even with all the hassles... the jury is still out. My wife likes it although she only deals with picking up the salt. She also likes the fact that we don't use a floater. We never really have had any smell, dry skin or eye problems to speak of. My kids and the neighbors never complain about those typical problems. They are all in the City's recreational swim program at the local school and they complain of all those typical problems found at that pool frequently.

Sorry for the wind, maybe you could read this by the pool:-)
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Salt Water Chlorinators/SWG's

Postby Pool Hacker » Sun 25 Jun, 2006 21:49

So far, so good with mine (after I modified it).

Salt Water Chlorinators/SWG's

Postby Guest » Wed 19 Jul, 2006 10:15


Why do you need to keep adding so much salt???

It was my understanding that it is mostly a one time addition of salt at start up and very little after that because salt does not evaporate.

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Salt Water Chlorinators

Postby Walter » Wed 19 Jul, 2006 14:13

We have 64+ pools we clean and 7 pools a month we build that we put SWG on. Like post earlier, they are expensive to repair. The true benefit from a SWG is that for people with sensitive skin to chlorine have little worries with the SWG.
We are a custom pool and spa builder. We can only offer suggestions with the information given. Don't hesitate to email me if you have a questions and I will answer it as best as I can or point you in the right direction.
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Salt Water Chlorinators

Postby kamkuda » Wed 06 Sep, 2006 18:35

Walter wrote:We have 64+ pools we clean and 7 pools a month we build that we put SWG on. Like post earlier, they are expensive to repair. The true benefit from a SWG is that for people with sensitive skin to chlorine have little worries with the SWG.

Why would that be. A SWG creates liquid chlorine.

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