Swimming Insects

What is floc, clarifier, stabilizer, cyanuric acid,
algaecide, brightener, dichlor, sodium hypo,
sodium bisulfate, ....??


Postby Tom12344321 » Sun 16 Jul, 2006 14:58

I live in Southern Illinois and I've noticed them after it rains. I'll have only three or four at a time. I use my bug net to get them and smash them on the deck. Using Algaecide does seem to help keep the numbers down. If I get an infestation I'll try the dish soap idea. Thanks for the post.


Swimming insects and swimming bugs

Postby Johnny » Thu 27 Jul, 2006 18:56

I have never heard of anyone having bugs in there pool. I have never had bugs in my pool. Are you guys using chlorine? The bugs won't be in there if they have nothing to feed on.

Swimming insects and swimming bugs

Postby deeabola » Thu 03 Aug, 2006 01:38

we just noticed these GROSS bugs. We acutally just got out pool last saturday. They removed the old sod...tossed it to the side...and put up our above ground pool. Well tby monday we wanted to swim (we had no chemicals in it yet. So we jumped in ....tuesday afternoon we got out chlorine and chemicals and began to do our thing. Today wendsday....and our heater came, as the guy was installing it...we were standing by the pump,we looked into the window and there were like 20 of these DISGUSTING looking GROSSSSS bugs....I wanted to puke...they looked kinda black and clear or grey....pretty sick...some were small others were fairly large....the size of a loonie (canadian dollar coin) anyway...I freaked. we looked into the pool and noticed a few moe buggers swimming around...I emptied the pump by lifting the window (i guess this is the skimmer thing) and we emptied the basket...I went online only to find out this is useless as they jump right back into the water because these gross things fly) anyway....now...I AM WORRIED from allur posts sounds like once u get em they dont leave ur sight. I am worried for my son, he is 4 and wont go in if he sees the bugs, and I dont want him to be afraid of water. Ok...so now. I shocked my pool again, put the algae control stuff in and covered my pool OH and threw in my vacuum, were leaving it in overnight to really get all the crap of the bottom...so please...WHAT DO I DO TOMORROW< is there still going to be more?I am totally figgin grossed out, and wished I never spent all that money on a pool if its going to be liek this! HELP

Pool Bugs and how to treat them

Postby Blanche » Thu 03 Aug, 2006 15:29

    I am at my whits end ... every time I get in the pool I get bitten. I swell and it is extremely itchy so I scratch. This makes the swelling travel, does anyone know of a treatment for this ... I have tryed icing it it helps a bit but as soon as I take it off the burning itch returns. Please help me!!!
Dirt Addict

Swimming insects and pool bugs

Postby Dirt Addict » Wed 30 Aug, 2006 15:09

.....I live in the high desert in So Cal. I just put up a 16x28 above ground pool. I waited one day to add the chemicals. As I started the process I noticed these little backswimmer bugs. They are brownish in color and about 1/2' long. I also noticed little babies too. I filled the pool with our well water. I was amazed that in one day we had these little critters already? Did they fly in? Did they come up from 200 feet below the ground in the well water?

.....The pool has been uncovered as I haven't had time to cut the solar cover to size intill I get home tonight. I have read about the dish soap trick. But, I am worried that it may throw off the chemical balance of the pool? You guys that have tried this dish soap trick, how has it effected the balance if any?

.....I plan to keep the pool covered once I get the cover cut to size. I hope this keeps them out. I will let you guys know how it all turns out. And if you guys cold update us on your bug killing meathods and process that'd be great.

Dirt Addict

Swimming insects and pool bugs

Postby Dirt Addict » Thu 31 Aug, 2006 12:23

.....So I got home last night. I took a bucket and filled it with water. I then added a squirt of dish soap on top of the water. I got my snorkle mask and went backswimmer hunting. I netted a total of 8 bugs one at a time. I flipped them into the bucket. By them time I got back with another bug the last one had already died from the soap. There were three large ones (1/2 in approx) and the rest were small babies about 1/4' insize. Wow thatw as easy!.

.....My sacntuary that was invaded by these annoying intruders was now a safe environment for my kids. I then added the algecide chemical and covered the pool with the new cover that was still in the box.

.....I will keep you guys posted if I get any more invasions.

Peace, DA.

Swimming insects and pool bugs

Postby Guest » Tue 05 Sep, 2006 16:35

It is now the 5th of Sept.
Still no more water bugs.

Swimming insects and pool bugs

Postby Guest » Tue 12 Sep, 2006 18:06

Sept 12th. Found a dead water bug on top of my solar cover. LOL.
Still bug free in the water.

Water Spiders

Postby Jeni » Mon 25 Jun, 2007 21:10

Hello everyone i need some help i am 14 years old and i am posting a post because i just killed 22 hemiptera bugs in my pool today and there are still more in there i dont know how to get them out they are like water spiders does anyone know how to kill and keep them out of the pool they are annoying me well if anyone knows please write back
thank you alot
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Re: Water Spiders

Postby Backglass » Tue 26 Jun, 2007 09:06

Jeni wrote:Hello everyone i need some help i am 14 years old and i am posting a post because i just killed 22 hemiptera bugs in my pool today and there are still more in there i dont know how to get them out they are like water spiders does anyone know how to kill and keep them out of the pool they are annoying me well if anyone knows please write back
thank you alot

Hi Jeni,

If your pool is properly sanitized, bugs wont stay as there is nothing there for them to eat (algae, etc). Do you have a test kit? Read the instructions and check your sanitizer level (chlorine, etc). You should shock regardless.


Postby Theresa » Tue 10 Jul, 2007 09:39

[i]We have one or two little black bugs . They swim under water. If we're lucky enough to catch one it flies away!! I called 1800257WATER and they said to get a product called BUG OUT.. I tried my local store and one other but they are in the process of ordering it. I will let this web site know how well it works when I try it. I don't even have a large problem but we freak out when we see ONE in the water. We live in South Jersey. We just swithched over a month ago to Pristine Blue. [/i]
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Swimming insects and pool bugs

Postby Backglass » Tue 10 Jul, 2007 20:46

Bugs don't live in a properly sanitized pool. Chlorine is the chemical you need.

water bugs

Postby jfurlong1968 » Wed 11 Jul, 2007 17:15

I have an above ground pool in central florida. I've had it for 1 year and I just recently saw what looked like a black large june bug swimming in the pool. I got in to skim it out and while I was looking for it, it swam behind me, climbed up my back and bite me! It felt like a bee sting. this is the first time I see this and I have no idea what it is called. Any ideas?
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Re: water bugs

Postby Backglass » Thu 12 Jul, 2007 20:35

jfurlong1968 wrote:
I have an above ground pool in central florida. I've had it for 1 year and I just recently saw what looked like a black large june bug swimming in the pool. I got in to skim it out and while I was looking for it, it swam behind me, climbed up my back and bite me! It felt like a bee sting. this is the first time I see this and I have no idea what it is called. Any ideas?

If you really want to know what it is, take a picture and take it (or the bug) to your local Agriculture Extension office.
Philly Mike

help on tad pole looking bugs in my pool

Postby Philly Mike » Sat 28 Jul, 2007 16:18


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