Nature 2

SWGs, salt water chlorine generators, chlorinators,
ozone generators, UV systems, . . .

Nature 2

Postby Sunshine427 » Tue 14 Jun, 2005 16:57

I cannot seem to get my pool water clear. I have the Nature 2 sanitizer hooked to my DE filter. I shocked it & it is still cloudy. Any advice???

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Postby BraddockPools » Sun 17 Jul, 2005 23:27

In my opinion the Nature 2 is a scam. I have not noticed any diffrence in the 4 pools I have with them and that of the ones that don't. Have you checked the other chemicals in your water or have you just shocked it?



Postby Guest » Wed 30 Nov, 2005 12:54

Sunshine427 wrote: I shocked it & it is still cloudy.

Could someone explain this bit to me...
Pool Helper

Cloudy swimming pool water

Postby Pool Helper » Sun 15 Jan, 2006 07:54

I have found the Nature2 to be a reasonable product, though overpriced.

I have been using the Pool Wizard for 3 years now and am extremely satisfied. It beats Nature2 hands down in both cost and efficiency. Not once has any of the pools I service gone cloudy with the Pool Wizard in use. Of course there is also never the issue of algae either and I never use floc or algicide because my Pool Wizards take care of it all.

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