Pool bugs
Pool bugs
We live in San Diego, CA and have had a tremendous amount of rain the last month or so. We have little black bugs in our pool. They are tiny and numerous. Does anyone know what they are?
Pool Bugs
Same problem here!, I'm concern that it could be moskitos and now with the news about the nile virus I'm afraid my pool has turn into a moskito breeding area. I really need to know what can I do to stop this, are there any quemicals that can help? everything else is perfect in the water but I won't feel same until the bugs are gone, I'll appreciate any advise. Thanks.
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Pool bugs
Without being able to see these bugs it is hard to comment on what they might be. Generally bugs cannot live in pool water with a free chlorine level of 1.0ppm, though some insects are known to survive.
Mosquitoes, although unlikely to survive, are usually not black in their larval stage. The mosquito larvae appear as a comma shape, with the fatter part at the surface of the water (they breathe air), and the "tail" hanging down. They exhibit erratic jumpy movements in the water.
If you believe they may be mosquitoes, a chlorine shock treatment should get rid of them in no time.
Mosquitoes, although unlikely to survive, are usually not black in their larval stage. The mosquito larvae appear as a comma shape, with the fatter part at the surface of the water (they breathe air), and the "tail" hanging down. They exhibit erratic jumpy movements in the water.
If you believe they may be mosquitoes, a chlorine shock treatment should get rid of them in no time.
Thanks for responding, These bugs look more like fleas than mosquitos, there were thousands of them all over the pool even though the water levels were perfect, after skimming most of them and another shock treatment they were gone but after a week they were back. Also, my pool was finished last september and we were able to use it about 2 weeks before the weather got too cold here in October, we just started using it again 3 weeks ago but I let the pump circulate every day through winter, is it time to replace the filter now? how often should it be relaced and how is it done?
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Exclusively tiled concrete pools
Replace filter
What kind of filter have you got?
Water Bugs and Filter
The filter is a C3025 Hayward fiter, I bet is full of those water bugs, should I just clean it or replace it?, also, to make things worst, there is no more water pressure coming out through the jacuzzi, water does come out from the jets but not even close to how it used to be, this just started today and I don't understand why, I'll appreciate your advise, thanks.
Bugs (springtails) in pool
The following is a copy from another user, I have the same type of bugs. An exterminator told me that these were springtails. Do you know anything about these? These bugs look more like fleas than mosquitos, there were thousands of them all over the pool even though the water levels were perfect, after skimming most of them and another shock treatment they were gone but after a week they were back.
I think I know what the bugs are that are in your pools
There are several species of water bugs . There are 2 in particular that inhabit swimming pools. One is called a water boatmen, the other is called a backswimmer. They look similar, but the backswimmer swims and is usually upside down. The back swimmer bites humans and it feels like a bee sting. the water boatmen does not bite. They both feed on algae and small insects and microscopic organsims in the water. They are commonly found in bogs, streams, lakes, rivers, and wetland areas. They also fly, and that is probably how they got into yoour pools. once their water source drys up, they fly around till find a new one. They are attraced to lights in swimming pools and streetlights. They will lay eggs on any vegetation that is in your pool, like blades of grass, leaves, etc. Do a search on the web about them, and it will also show you pictures of them too so that you can distinguish which ones you have. I had them in my pool. I scooped them all out and put them into an air tight container so they would die. If you just fling them out of the pool they will just fly right back in there. After I got them all out of the pool, I shocked the crap out of my pool, and kept my chlorine level very high for a week or so, and they went away. I think there is also a product out there also called bug out, that changes the water in some way. My pool guy was telling me about it. The bugs dont like it, and they go away. I hope that helps anyone out there. If you read this or come across anyone that has this problem, please feel free to pass this along.
Re: Bugs
jesse8698 wrote:Thanks for responding, These bugs look more like fleas than mosquitos, there were thousands of them all over the pool even though the water levels were perfect, after skimming most of them and another shock treatment they were gone but after a week they were back. Also, my pool was finished last september and we were able to use it about 2 weeks before the weather got too cold here in October, we just started using it again 3 weeks ago but I let the pump circulate every day through winter, is it time to replace the filter now? how often should it be relaced and how is it done?
I live in South Louisiana and we have all sorts of bugs in our swimming pools. Last year I tried putting detergent (Dawn or Wisk) to kill the bugs. It works fast but is very short acting. This year, I used BioGuard's Back Up algaecide in slightly higher doses each week. The bugs died and have not been back all season. Give it a try.
Re: Water Bugs and Filter
jesse8698 wrote:The filter is a C3025 Hayward fiter, I bet is full of those water bugs, should I just clean it or replace it?, also, to make things worst, there is no more water pressure coming out through the jacuzzi, water does come out from the jets but not even close to how it used to be, this just started today and I don't understand why, I'll appreciate your advise, thanks.
You should backwash your filter. If you don't know how to do this just google it.
I have pool bugs too, but the majority of mine look like little spiders, and there are a lot of them in there! Some are pretty big, others small (like they're the babies). Also, we have a lot of winged ant looking things in there from time to time. What gives? We shock the daylights out of it, but occasionally we do get behind on brushing it and/or treating it w/ algaecide. Is that the problem? I'm just about to throw my hands up in frustration and hire a professional pool cleaning company!!! I don't even want to be in the pool at all, nor let my kids be anywhere near it. It's sooo embarrassing!!!
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These are called SPRINGTAILS! www.whatsthatbug dotcom . I've had them twice this year! I worked 4 hours getting them out of my pool last week. Last week we had 15 trees planted in our yard and mulched...next morning....black bugs in my pool. My skimmer was so full that it looked as if someone had poured black gun powder in it. I would get them out...and it would fill up with more. I put them on the concrete and they were jumping around...just like fleas! So...I sprayed them with bug spray to kill them. I finally just took a stick and held the flap where water couldn't get in and let the pump suck them down the skimmer through the filter. Then I would backwash to get them out. When they would come out the backwash hose..they were still alive. SO...I got bug spray (actually it was for wasp) and sprayed them. The spray killed them. Then I would do the same thing over and over....until they were gone. I took pictures and sent them to the company I buy my pool supplies and they sent the picture to their chemical distributor. Today they gave me a name for them and where they are coming from. Go to the link above and you can read about them. Just look to the left of the screen for the bug that says SPRINGTAIL. From what I understand...it's just something we have to deal with...when we OR our neighbors disrupt the soil or bring in mulch. But...at least now I know what they are and I know what I can do to kill them. GOOD LUCK!
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