Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
Great info from all. After 4 years I have had no real problems with my clorinator or cell. I maintain it and my pool myself, so I cause my own problems and know who to blame. One bit of info to add to the water temp and cleaning input: Before you add salt, make sure your cell is clean. If it is getting dirty it will read lower salt levels. When the service cell lite comes on and you finally do realize what the problem is and clean it, your salt levels will be VERY high. Also, salinity changes as the pool temperature changes, so don't add a lot of salt to a cold pool, our when it gets warm you'll have too much salt. Just tips learned the hard way. Thanks for all the great info. Any advise on cell replacement deals for when I do need one? Thanks.
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
Can someone tell me what to buy in the way of a resistor? 8.5K ohms? All of them that I find are rated in wattage also. Of course my T15 bit the dust last week and I can't pay the $500.00 to replace it. I have been to Wally World to find out how much clorine costs. I took the cover off and I see the two colored wires. I also can solider the thing in. I will try anything. I guess I am luckey as I got 4 years out of mine
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Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
Hello there. I have read on this post a couple times you can replace the sensor for 20 dollars. Does anyone know how to do that and where to get the part? It was mentioned but never any more info. Another poster asked too and the question never got addressed. Looking for that answer...
As well what is the normal warranty on the Salt Cells? I read 3 years and then read 1 year. I guess I could just call them myself but since I was here right now I just thought I would ask it here too...
As well what is the normal warranty on the Salt Cells? I read 3 years and then read 1 year. I guess I could just call them myself but since I was here right now I just thought I would ask it here too...
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
I've had mine for 3 1/2 years and it has worked fine until today. All of a sudden I'm getting 0000ppm and 0 amps, plus an error message on the display saying no voltage. I've checked the cell and the connection and all is good. If I unplug the cell entirely I get a different message, so I know it's plugged in ok.
I'm guessing that some internal wire has probably rusted out, but since nobody has mentioned this particular issue I thought I'd ask if anyone has had experience with it.
I'm guessing that some internal wire has probably rusted out, but since nobody has mentioned this particular issue I thought I'd ask if anyone has had experience with it.
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
loveaz- Goldline's warranty used to be 5 years. The first 3 are full parts and labor, and the last two are pro-rated, year four is 80% of parts only, and year 5 is 60% of parts only. I had heard they were going to change this, but they hadn't as of April 08 which is when I stopped servicing pools.
BrianGS- Could be either the cell, the transformer, or the main circuit board has gone bad. You've got an Aqua Logic from the sounds of it, where you get the error "No Cell Power" on the screen? Or maybe it was "No Cell Voltage"? I ran into that a couple times, once it was a cell and once it was the main circuit board. An easy thing to check is for corrosion in the plug where the cell plugs into, other than that, it sounds like something definetly is broken. If you've got a whole equipment set from Hayward and you're the original owner, you should have 3 years of warranty on the Aqua Logic, check with your builder.
BrianGS- Could be either the cell, the transformer, or the main circuit board has gone bad. You've got an Aqua Logic from the sounds of it, where you get the error "No Cell Power" on the screen? Or maybe it was "No Cell Voltage"? I ran into that a couple times, once it was a cell and once it was the main circuit board. An easy thing to check is for corrosion in the plug where the cell plugs into, other than that, it sounds like something definetly is broken. If you've got a whole equipment set from Hayward and you're the original owner, you should have 3 years of warranty on the Aqua Logic, check with your builder.
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
I'm having the same problem as Dorigirl
First my readout says no flo then it goes to inspect cell. It doesn't even have one full season on it. I pulled the cell off and no blockage. Can anyone recomend a solution. Someone mentioned a sensor for $20. Where is this sensor located?
Oh the salt reading says 3100 and the "generating" light along with the "inspect cell" light is on but the pool store said I have a 2400 level.
Any thoughts?
First my readout says no flo then it goes to inspect cell. It doesn't even have one full season on it. I pulled the cell off and no blockage. Can anyone recomend a solution. Someone mentioned a sensor for $20. Where is this sensor located?
Oh the salt reading says 3100 and the "generating" light along with the "inspect cell" light is on but the pool store said I have a 2400 level.
Any thoughts?
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
Ok, mine is not making chlorine correctly. I had the cell tested at Leslie's and it passed. The display on my Goldline Aquarite says I have 300 salt.. but the Low Salt light is not on.
I tested the water with a test stick and it was at about 3000. Can the display/circuit boards go bad?

Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
It sounds like their are a variety of errors in this thread. I recently had the error "No Cell Power" on my Hayward Aqualogic. I found many others who were also having the same problem on a GardenWeb forum. An easy solution was found for this error that saved us all from having to replace the expensive motherboard.
I posted a No Cell Power Repair Guide
I posted a No Cell Power Repair Guide
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
I am having lots of problems with my pool. I can't get it to clear up. I am getting some kind of white cloudy discharge from the pool jets. Does this have anything to do with the salt generator. What can I do to possibly correct the problem? I know my stablizer is a little low and we are adding more. The ph is OK. Thanks for any help.
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
I just replaced my cell (T-15) after 5 seasons. I guess I was lucky. Problem is, when I installed the new one the fuse blew. I tried a new fuse...same thing. Any idea why my fuse keeps blowing?!?
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
My unit is only the first led light (power) no other leds are on. 2.60 is displayed on the screen and thats it. Anybody have any ideas.
Thanks :
Thanks :
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
Im in Houston and have an 18-20,000 gal salt pool with a Aqua-Rite T-15 cell now 6 yrs old. I clean it as recommended every 3 months etc. I noticed my inhouse control pad said ( 0-Salt), so again I clean it and took it to a local pool supply and their testing equipt shows it is bad.
Im reading that several of you have replaced sensors, resistors etc? How did you get inside the unit since it appears machine compressed? Thanks
Im reading that several of you have replaced sensors, resistors etc? How did you get inside the unit since it appears machine compressed? Thanks
excel wrote:The sensor can also be replaced without having to replace the entire cell. It is a $20 part and is a very easy (less than 1/2 hr) fix.
Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
My system is showing that the salt level is extremely low, but when I had it tested it is extremely high. Is the sensor in the cell itself or is it seperate. Does this mean that the cell needs to be replaced?
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Goldline "Aqua-Rite" salt chlorinator problems
Any system that uses sensors to take readings and control a piece of equipment needs to be calibrated from time to time. This includes ORP sensors, pH sensors and Salt sensors. This includes the pocket testers you can just whip out and take an electronic test of the water with. Nothing negates the need to have a good manual test kit handy.
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