Algae problems in swimming pool water.
Green (cloudy) water or slimy pool walls.
Black algae. Mustard algae. Pink or white pool mold.
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Postby sheila » Sat 25 Jun, 2005 16:32

:( :( :( :( hi!! ALL THE ANSWERS ARE GREAT! Maybe someone can HELP!! I've tried almost everything!! I still have light green cloudy water. I shocked it 6x level is at 10 or above. The water is balanced too. I added stop algecide 2x and a clarifier 1x. i have been running the filter most of the 7 days. I vaccumed with a automatic vac for a week now, nothing on bottom but i think might be algae. its an above ground 20,000 with well water,cleaned and refilled this year. the pool store tested it for everything and it was 100% perfect??? how's that?? hardness was ok too. could it still be iron? I have spent a ton of $$$ at the sticken pool store, they dont know what they are talking about. neither did I until I started reading on the internet. SUPER confused iron or algae? Party is in 1 week need any help I can get!! Also hayward cartiage filter running at 17 psi is that ok? thanks!! :mrgreen:



Postby deelac » Tue 28 Jun, 2005 06:01

We had exactly the same problem (posted under cloudy water). The people at the pool stoe finally told us to jump in and make believe it was a lake because our chemicals were perfect. It was still too green for us . I continued to do my own research and found a poduct called yellow out on the internet. I calle daround the area and found a pool store that had it. I put it in yesyerday and it hasn't been 24 hrs yet but it is at least a milky color now instead of green. GOOD LUCK hpefully we will be swimming soon.


Postby deelac » Tue 28 Jun, 2005 06:03

We had exactly the same problem (posted under cloudy water). The people at the pool stoe finally told us to jump in and make believe it was a lake because our chemicals were perfect. It was still too green for us . I continued to do my own research and found a poduct called yellow out on the internet. I calle daround the area and found a pool store that had it. I put it in yesyerday and it hasn't been 24 hrs yet but it is at least a milky color now instead of green. GOOD LUCK hpefully we will be swimming soon.
Pool Enthusiast
Pool Enthusiast
Posts: 15
Joined: Sat 25 Jun, 2005 16:10

Postby sheila » Tue 28 Jun, 2005 15:59

update!! The pool place told me to shock it with 8 bags of zappit. (27 foot pool 20,000) It has been 1 hour and it is less green! She said by tomorrow 24 hrs. it should be blue but cloudy, Run pump 24 then clarify wait 24 hrs for all the dead stuff to fall then vaccum to waste. as you are doing it fill with hose. She also said a little shock dents it you have to overpower it with so much it will die. well we will see...... :)

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