water pressure

Water bugs, swimming insects and sweat bees.
Foaming bubbly water. Frogs in the pool.
Dead animals in the swimming pool.

water pressure

Postby Guest » Mon 04 Jul, 2005 19:28

I'm having problems with water pressure. My guage on the filter reads 4 psi and fluctuates between 2 and 6 psi. My gas heater does not fire up. Is that because the pressure going through the heater is too low ? The basket in the pump shows half full while the pump is running. How can I increase water pressure going through the pump and filter. I also have tiny bubbles floating to the surface when water comes out of the return line. How can I improve circulation ?

Any suggestions ?


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water pressure

Postby Gov » Thu 07 Jul, 2005 17:10

You have air in your filter!
Turn you filter off and check all connections.
Make sure they are all tight, no leaks, not even a drip.
If you see water dripping, thats where the air is coming in from.
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Postby BraddockPools » Wed 13 Jul, 2005 22:01

Check the O-ring on your pump pot lid. Also make sure the lid it tight. A good way to check this is to watch the lid when you shut the pump off and see if any water comes out around the lid.


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