calcium build up question.

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calcium build up question.

Postby Guest » Mon 25 Jul, 2005 11:17


Your website is excellent!
I have a few questions I was hoping you could help me with.
I am a landscape contractor here in San Diego, in business for 20+ years, and about 8 months ago we relandscaped a customers back yard/pool deck area.
We were on the job for over two months, and during this entire time, the customer had discontinued his pool service (since they would not be using the pool during construction). The pool was full of water and covered with a blue plastic bubble cover the entire time. The pump would run every day, even though no maintenance was being done on the pool water.
The project turned out excellent. However, three months later, the homeowner contacted me and said his walls of his pool were discolored and "streaked". He said his pool maintenance guy told him the "streaking" was from calcium deposits in the pool. The exact words used were "scale build up/calcium build up from lime in the concrete". The homeowner claimed that we must have accidentally, while breaking up the old pool concrete decking, allowed some of the cement pieces to fall in the pool, thereby causing the "calcium build up" that stained the pool wall surfaces.
I went to the jobsite to inspect the pool. There were minor streaks on all sides. However, we only worked at one far end of the pool. So, I couldn't understand how the other end of the pool, 50 feet away was also streaked. But not know about pool water chemistry, I told the homeowner I would help to solve the problem. The homeowner then hired a pool plaster company to come out and drain and acid wash their pool, which solved the problem. Two months later, I get a notice saying I'm being sued by the homeowner for damaging his pool. Nice guy!
After speaking with a local pool guy, I was told that if the pool was not being serviced and the PH level not kept in check, it could cause the build up and streaks on the plaster surface of the pool - very interesting.
I was wondering if you had any knowledge or information on these statements. I would really APPRECIATE any help or guidance.

The funny thing, after all this, I contacted the company that did the acid wash recently. The lady that runs the place said she got the feeling that, after her dealings with the homeowner, that they were just looking to get someone to pay (meaning "me") to get their pool detailed by.

Thanks for any and all help.

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Calcium scaling

Postby Larry » Wed 28 Dec, 2005 03:44

The problem you mention was not caused by concrete dropped into the pool, but by high pH levels combined with high temperatures (due to the cover and the season).

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