Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Causes and cures for cloudy swimming pool water.
Milky pool water, white, pink, brown, purple, black cloudy water.

Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby jrp » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 10:14

I have a question that is frustrating me....
I've had my pool for 5-6 years and have never had a problem. I have an above-ground pool with a sand filter.

This year, I opened my pool, filled it to the appropriate level (water level was low), took a sample to the pool store, and added the chemicals they gave me (as I always do) to balance it.
When I started up the filter, I got a big cloud of green stuff, but it was dark green.

I've since shocked the pool twice, added algaecide, and had the water re-tested - I was told that it is an algae problem, the water chemistry is all fine except calcium is a little low.

I really don't think it's an algae problem - does anyone have any ideas??!?


cloudy water

Postby junior88 » Sun 09 Aug, 2009 09:52

Sissy907 wrote:I should say I tried algaecides and water clarifiers twice already and it hasn't changed anything in the pool.

Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Hector » Mon 10 Aug, 2009 18:31

I have read what I thought was everything, and my first instinct was to change my sand in my sand filter. But I went ahead and did all the rest of what everyone was telling me to do. After 3 weeks and $$$ later I decided to go with my instincts and change my sand in the filter. Even though the sand is only 2 yeqars old within 2 days my pool was back on track. I am pertty upset with my local pool distributer because later I found out that in the area I live sand filter must be replaced every 2 years anyway. But sand is only $9.99 per 50 lbs bag and chemicals run into the hundreds guess which way they rather teach us. I have been spreading the word to those around my town, anyway hope this helps somebody........

Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby atlantispoolchemicals » Fri 18 Sep, 2009 17:48

Hiklear Algicide would do the trick. Its a highly sophisticated Copper/Triethanolamine complex algicide used for the effective elimination and control of algae of all types, in swimming pool water.
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Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby chem geek » Sat 19 Sep, 2009 02:08

Copper ions can stain pool surfaces, fingernails, and give a greenish tint to blond hair. The levels at which copper is an effective algaecide are close to the levels at which it will stain unless the pH is kept low. If the copper levels get too high or the pH gets too high, staining can occur. Do you tell your customers that?
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Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby Splash and Relax » Wed 10 Feb, 2010 07:15

Generally if you have cloudy pool water its quite easy to sort and to keep from happening again. I would suggest you read a good clear pool water guide (pardon the pun :))such as the ones we have designed to help with just this type of topic at our pool water guides section.

After a good read of all the different types of water problems and water treatments you will see that most of these cloudy water problems can be fixed by yourself for very little money.
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Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby chem geek » Wed 10 Feb, 2010 12:32


Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby tlamb692 » Sun 21 Mar, 2010 08:03

I became a pool and spa operator last year. I opened the pool perfectly last year. my water chemistry is balanced but water is still cloudy. I shocked my pool to about 12 ppm, then I used floc and vacuumed like four times. Afterwards, I shocked the pool again. I have waited two days but it is still cloudy.
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Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby chem geek » Mon 22 Mar, 2010 00:13

Do you have a full set of water chemistry numbers, including the CYA level? Specifically, FC, CC, pH, TA, CH, CYA, temp? What kind of chlorine do you normally use to chlorinate the pool? What kind of filter do you have and did you check it to make sure it is filtering properly (no channeling in a sand filter, no tears in a cartridge filter, etc.)? Was the pool initially cloudy upon opening or did it have algae that was then shocked so went form green to cloudy but is persisting as cloudy? Any more details you could provide with exactly what happened and what has been added to the pool after it was opened this year (including algaecides, phosphate removers, etc.) would be helpful.
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Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby marilynpool » Sun 28 Mar, 2010 21:14

I also had a similar problem years ago. I called up my pool maker and told me to use this Aqua Rite Chlorine Generator to keep my chlorine levels stable.
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Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby wardnency12 » Thu 03 Jun, 2010 05:13

Cloudiness is one of the most frequent pool water quality problems that may be encountered. The water is cloudy due to poor water chemistry. Most likely a ph problem. Take water into a pool store. Sometimes cloudiness is also due to using a calcium based shock. Such as the brand sock-it.
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Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby davedavalan » Mon 07 Jun, 2010 05:41

I have a pool problem...My water is crystal clear until you get in it! Then it turns cloudy and back to clear once it settles.The bottom is covered with a powder like substance. I have vacuumed several times and can't get it all out. I've used the hth 3 in 1 and have noticed that the tablets crumble rather easy. It appears to me that these tablets may be the cause. Any suggestions?

Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby BarbaraC » Mon 21 Jun, 2010 17:02

Does anyone using Bacquacil have a Dome?
I have the cloudy water/tinted green issue as well. Cant seam to fix it either.
Used lots of different chemicals: Pink out, floculant, clarifiers...etc.
Changed sand last year.I have an 18x38 above ground pool with a sundome.
My first fill 5 years ago was water that was trucked in.
This year after installing a new liner, I filled from the hose.
Now its algae and cloudy water problems that cant be cured.
I put a sock like material over the skimmer basket.
Sometimes I catch yellow stuff, sometimes tan or pink slime.
What to do now?
Testing water at the store every week.
Spending a fortune in chemicals.

Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby wanda543 » Wed 30 Jun, 2010 17:33

wardnency12 wrote:Cloudiness is one of the most frequent pool water quality problems that may be encountered. The water is cloudy due to poor water chemistry. Most likely a ph problem. Take water into a pool store. Sometimes cloudiness is also due to using a calcium based shock. Such as the brand sock-it.

I just started having a problem with cloudy water right after I added algecide and a clarifying agent. I ran the filter over night and the next day the water was cloudy. I have used sock-it twice, could that be what is causing the water to be cloudy? And if it is, how do I correct it besides not using that product?
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Cloudy Swimming Pool Water

Postby ianvancouver » Thu 08 Jul, 2010 16:42

My 16ft by 4ft walmart pool is cloudy. The Bromine,Chlorine,PHD,ALK levels are all good. It did have previous high PHD levels and i added the right chemicals. I think I did put to much as it got cloudy right away. There is a brown silt on the pool bottom that every time I vac the pool it gets cloudy( even with a new filter) Any advice?

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