Cesolar wrote:chem geek wrote:You need to get yourself a good test kit -- either the Taylor K-2006 or the TF-100. Read the Pool about Defeating Algae and how to Shock Your Pool.
Thanks for sharing!I dumped a 3 gallon pail of chlorine in about 4 days ago, that is what switched it from green to cloudy, and also what I called "shocked".
There is about 3-4" of visibility in there, pretty bad..
I went in it yesterday to have a better look/feel, there is no slime. Besides the color you would never know anything was wrong..
As "chem geek" said you need to get a decent test kit (K2006c or TF100) because you need to test regularly
You have an algae bloom and need to Slam (Shock Level and Maintain) with relation to your Chlorine / CYA Chart and your recommended Pool Levels
Keep brushing, filtering and backwashing