Pool Leak Under Skimmer

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Pool Leak Under Skimmer

Postby cosmichobo » Mon 09 Jan, 2006 19:13


I purchased a house in July05 and after moving in a few months later discovered the pool has a leak. When I let the level go down, it went to just below the skimmer box. I paid for a "leak detector" to come and diagnose the problem, and he found a smallish leak coming from the return pipe just under the skimmer box.

The pool is fibreglass, 6m x 3m, 1m-1.5m deep. The concrete around the pool (where I need to get to the leak) is about 4" thick, and extends maybe 1 & 1/2 feet from edge of the pool. The only semi-helpful tool I have is a small angle-grinder to score the concrete, though given its depth I don't know if it is worth bothering.

I've been quoted $500-$1000 to fix the problem by the leak man, depending on the thickness of the concrete (the edge of concrete was hidden by overgrown garden at time of his inspection) - so more toward $1000 than $500...

Does anyone have any opinions/useful advice to a first time pool owner who's pulling his hair out? :shock:


Brisbane, AU

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Swimming pool skimmer leak

Postby Larry » Fri 13 Jan, 2006 06:35

Is there any way of "tunneling" under the concrete slab to get to the skimmer?

Breaking up the concrete around the pool can result in settling of the soil around the skimmer after repairs, with a "drooping" of the repaired concrete afterwards.


Postby cosmichobo » Sat 14 Jan, 2006 04:30

Hi Larry,

Forgot to check back here. :} Have now broken through about a 1foot section of the concrete, and found the leak. There is a hexagonal looking piece of pipe that comes directly down from the skimmer drain, which then joins to normal pvc pipe - the hex piece is cracked.

Now I don't know how to go about fixing it, as I'm not sure how it attaches to the skimmer. I can see there is silicone around the metal drain at bottom of skimmer, but that's all. Might have to dig a bit more out to see what's going on underneath.


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Skimmer leak

Postby Larry » Sat 14 Jan, 2006 15:58

The hex bit on the skimmer may be a part of the skimmer itself if it is a plastic/ polyester skimmer. There may be a suitable adhesive locally available that will stand up to the suction generated on the crack by the pump.

Postby Guest » Fri 21 Apr, 2006 00:39

theyre is a plastic stuff we get in the swimming pool bussiness calles smeer see if a pool dealer near you can get it and mix it up for you if not mixed right it will never set works great is designes especially for skimmers

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