Spa leak

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Spa leak

Postby ExplorerFl » Thu 02 Feb, 2006 04:05

I have a spa/pool combination with the spa spilling over into the pool. I can run the spa by itself or let it fill up and spill over for that waterfall effect.

My spa has a leak. I had a service come in and they say the leak is behind one of the jets. They used a sounding device of some sort to pinpoint the leak.

My dilema. They want to cut into the deck to get at the leak. I'm a bit wary of letting them do that. I have a pebble deck and the repair might really stand out.

Another outfit claims to have technology that allows them to seal the leak without cutting the concrete. They say they use mini cameras and snake them through the pipes to find the leak. They then use another snake tool to apply a sealer of some type.

Anyone ever hear of this technique. Any suggestions?

Somebody questioned why they couldn't just slip in another pipe with a smaller diameter to seal the leak. Is that a possibility?

Pool Helper

Spa jet leak

Postby Pool Helper » Thu 02 Feb, 2006 14:24

The technique you describe is successfully used, though tends to be a bit pricey. Probably not as costly as having to redo your deck, though. If the company will give you a guarantee then I would let them fix the leak.

Somebody questioned why they couldn't just slip in another pipe with a smaller diameter to seal the leak. Is that a possibility?

If you do this you reduce the diameter of the pipe, which in turn reduces the flow of water to the spa and increases the back pressure on the pump. It could be done if you have several jets and don't mind losing pressure in the leaky one.

Re: Spa jet leak

Postby Explorerfl » Thu 02 Feb, 2006 21:48

Pool Helper wrote:The technique you describe is successfully used, though tends to be a bit pricey. Probably not as costly as having to redo your deck, though. If the company will give you a guarantee then I would let them fix the leak.

Somebody questioned why they couldn't just slip in another pipe with a smaller diameter to seal the leak. Is that a possibility?

If you do this you reduce the diameter of the pipe, which in turn reduces the flow of water to the spa and increases the back pressure on the pump. It could be done if you have several jets and don't mind losing pressure in the leaky one.

Thanks. The price for fixing the spa either way was about the same. That was a surprise since I would expect a marked difference in price between the two.

I'll have to shop that a bit more.

Postby Guest » Fri 21 Apr, 2006 00:30

ask them why they cant tunnel under the deck and fix it with out cutting deck thats the we have to fix them here in fl unless we get a customer that wants to spend the money on a new deck

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