Pool has bubbles on top...free chlorine high and ph
Pool has bubbles on top...free chlorine high and ph
Help!-my pool has high chlorine, free chlorine and ph is almost stable but still a little high. the pool has bubbles on top
Cloudy water problem
Hi Elie and welcome to the forum.
When you say
What kind of chlorine did you add and how much? Often adding large amounts of chlorine can cause the swimming pool water to turn cloudy. This cloudiness usually disappears after a few days. Reducing the pH will speed up the use of the free chlorine, helping the chlorine level to drop more quickly.
As for the bubbles - did you add an algaecide? Algicides often cause the water to foam when added in quantities exceeding the recommended amount. Please could you give more info on the nature of the bubbles you mentioned.
When you say
what is the value? Try to adjust the pH to the range of 7.2 - 7.4ph is almost stable but still a little high
What kind of chlorine did you add and how much? Often adding large amounts of chlorine can cause the swimming pool water to turn cloudy. This cloudiness usually disappears after a few days. Reducing the pH will speed up the use of the free chlorine, helping the chlorine level to drop more quickly.
As for the bubbles - did you add an algaecide? Algicides often cause the water to foam when added in quantities exceeding the recommended amount. Please could you give more info on the nature of the bubbles you mentioned.
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