water bugs? Look here.

What is floc, clarifier, stabilizer, cyanuric acid,
algaecide, brightener, dichlor, sodium hypo,
sodium bisulfate, ....??

Postby Guest » Sat 14 Jul, 2007 17:56

I followed the advice of Godspeed in the original post and for over a month, I have had NO BUGS! I have worked hard to keep my water balanced, scrubbed and chlorinated!

Thanks Godspeed!!!!

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Postby Backglass » Sat 14 Jul, 2007 20:49

Anonymous wrote:I followed the advice of Godspeed in the original post and for over a month, I have had NO BUGS! I have worked hard to keep my water balanced, scrubbed and chlorinated!

Thanks Godspeed!!!!

This is what we have been saying all along. A properly chlorinated pool, free of algae, has no bugs. No need for soap, snake oil, etc.

Congrats on your crystal clear pool!

Postby imallory » Thu 09 Aug, 2007 16:19

After an enjoyable swim in our pool, I noticed ichy welts on my arm. My husband and daughter had welts too. I finally was able to identify not only the cause but the name of the culprit. Surprisingly the pool store had no idea what I was talking about. Now I can teach them something. Thanks!![/b]
Help I Got Bit, By WHAT!?

Postby Help I Got Bit, By WHAT!? » Thu 09 Aug, 2007 16:22

imallory wrote:After an enjoyable swim in our pool, I noticed ichy welts on my arm. My husband and daughter had welts too. I finally was able to identify not only the cause but the name of the culprit. Surprisingly the pool store had no idea what I was talking about. Now I can teach them something. Thanks!![/b]
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Postby Backglass » Thu 09 Aug, 2007 16:50

imallory wrote:Surprisingly the pool store had no idea what I was talking about.

Actually, that's not very surprising at all and all too common. :lol:
I'm no expert...just a long time pool owner. The real experts are at www . troublefreepool . com

Download Bleachcalc free at troublefreepool . com /files/BleachCalc262.exe and start saving money on chemicals.


Postby deanna6241 » Thu 22 Jan, 2009 00:12

Oh my gosh i have finally found out what these little buggers are......thank u so much hopefully i can kill them off now ....thanks thanks....
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Postby lonestar » Sun 01 Feb, 2009 09:52

Backglass wrote:This is poor advice.

If your pool is properly chlorinated, you don't HAVE algae and therefor there is nothing for the bugs to eat. Algaecide is a preventative..NOT a cure and it certainly is not a pesticide.

DO NOT pour "Lemon Joy" or any other wives tale home recipe into your pool. Unless you want your problems to multiply. :roll:

Chlorine is your cure for algae. Cure the algae and you cure the bugs. Get your water balanced and these kind of problems magically go away.

I agree. While "foaming" algaecide can break the water surface, effectively drowning the bugs, you still have water that isnt properly sanitized. Ear infections, diarreah etc. Each swimmer is estimated to bring a teaspoon of fecal matter into the pool. If you have bugs the chlorine isnt working. Your Cyanuric Acid levels may be too high.

Do yourself a favor. Test your water at a pool store and DO NOT SWIM when there are bugs in the water.
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Postby Patiobruce » Mon 23 Feb, 2009 13:56

I use Bioguard Algae All 60 non-foaming algae preventative. At the start of last year ( new pool ) we put a whole 32 OZ bottle in for the pool start-up and than 4 OZ once a week afterwards. We had " no " bugs " for months up until the end of the pool season here in Arizona when they started showing up. The pool guy/store had no idea how to help.
One guy suggested the Bioguard Back-Up to take the O2 out of the water but when I told him we had an " Ultra-Pure " unit as part of our pool filtering system he went blank! Ultra-Pure puts O2 into the pool water as part of the overall cleaning filter system. We use the non-foaming because we have a water feature.
I read the OP but with this Ultra Pure system I need help. It makes no sense to me to put Back-Up in the pool water when the Ultra Pure system is putting O2 in? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Patiobruce » Mon 23 Feb, 2009 14:01

I forgot to tell you. I have no evidence of algae.....
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Postby Patiobruce » Mon 23 Feb, 2009 15:20

I fished about 50 or so buggys out of my pool today. I get them in the net and than dump them on the deck & step on them. They jump around like fish out of the water. After stepping on a few, there is a " fishy " smell. God awful smell............ :o

Water bugs? Look here.

Postby chiefoh » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 09:06

UNREAL!!! It does work! BUT...... Don't get talked into using the BioGuard 60. "This should be 2x as good because it has 2x the active ingredient," I was told. It doesn't! Stick to the Back Up!!!!
---- Don't forget to scrub!! ----
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Water bugs? Look here.

Postby Patiobruce » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 12:28

Yes I think you are right! All Algae 60 doesn't do the job. The only problem with the Back-Up product for me is I have a water feature & it foams up................

Water bugs? Look here.

Postby ssarrahhhh » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 19:37

:crazy: I didnt Kill them after skimming them out. D: I skimmed out a buncha them too.
Is that a problem?
JJ Bean

Water bugs? Look here.

Postby JJ Bean » Mon 20 Jul, 2009 00:02

ssarrahhhh wrote::crazy: I didnt Kill them after skimming them out. D: I skimmed out a buncha them too.
Is that a problem?

It's not necessarily a problem, you're just leaving them alive to come back another time. They are capable of flight, that's how they got in your pool. They (or their offspring) will come back.

I've had waterbugs (the back swimmers) in every pool i've ever owned (NOT due to poor upkeep) and can tell you from experience yes they sting, yes they hurt (I've got scars to prove it), yes they are hard to get rid of.

If you find something that works (using these tips, you should), make sure to KEEP IT UP as they WILL come back.
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Water bugs? Look here.

Postby MARKAFN » Sat 15 Aug, 2009 16:42

I have just spotted one in my pool , have killed it and took it out hopfully it was just a one off , have added more clorine to help

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