water bugs? Look here.
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- My Pool: 24' Round with Baqua Pure Sand Filter System
Water bugs? Look here.
We have these little buggers too. Hubby fishes them out as best as he can and then crushes them. I'm looking to get rid of them completely. We use Bacquacil products and not chlorine. So what chemical can we put in that will take care of this? We do scrub the walls etc. and use plenty of algaecide and algae does not ever appear to be an issue. Hubby is meticulous about caring for our pool. But we still get a handful of these critters and I want them GONE! Please help!
water bugs? Look here.
We have a thing called a spool, I guess it is like a huge spa, or a small pool. But anyway we live in Texas in the Dallas Fort worth area. And it was about in March or April, when my family thought it might be fun to get in the spool. So we took of the pool cover and cleaned out the spool and got it ready to get in. So we where in it for a while, and then it was starting to get dark, and there is this tree above the spool. And it almost seamed like a beetle fell from the tree to the spool. And then more came, like they where 1in. long. So we saw about six of the beetle things. And we got grossed out because they are pretty big. And then someone said that they where probably water-bugs. And one thing, I thought maybe it was that we had just moved from California to Texas and used a spool that we had never used before. So I just wanted to ask if this was unusual, or if it is regular? I would really want a answer!


thank you! thank you! thank you!
thank you! thank you!thank you! thank you! thank you!thank you! thank you! thank you!thank you! thank you! thank you!thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you!
Hehehe... You are a funny person. You like to say thank you a lot. Huh? FYI: This is a reply, so you know!
Hehehe... You are a funny person. You like to say thank you a lot. Huh? FYI: This is a reply, so you know!
Patiobruce wrote:I fished about 50 or so buggys out of my pool today. I get them in the net and than dump them on the deck & step on them. They jump around like fish out of the water. After stepping on a few, there is a " fishy " smell. God awful smell............
This is a reply by: Sarahgirl123 May-18-10 7:10 PM
I agree these little buggies are nasty! And are huge pests.

Water bugs? Look here.
Luvgoose wrote:We have these little buggers too. Hubby fishes them out as best as he can and then crushes them. I'm looking to get rid of them completely. We use Bacquacil products and not chlorine. So what chemical can we put in that will take care of this? We do scrub the walls etc. and use plenty of algaecide and algae does not ever appear to be an issue. Hubby is meticulous about caring for our pool. But we still get a handful of these critters and I want them GONE! Please help!
I ♥ your name! Luvgoose! CUTE!!!!
water bugs? Look here.
We have a new option for you. Soapy water works wonders for waterboatman. Just add a dash of dishwasher liquid to a pump bottle with water in it and spray them. They croak almost instantly.
Then just scoop them out and swim all you want. Hope this helps.
Then just scoop them out and swim all you want. Hope this helps.
water bugs? Look here.
I have a TON of these bugs in my above ground pool... It's an 18 ft round pool and my water levels are fine.. I had them tested and everything is within the normal limits. I have NO sign of algae anywhere, so there is no food source for them. I use algecide and it kills them... the only problem I am having is that they keep coming back a couple days later.
When I said I have TON of water bugs I mean it... I must have pulled AT LEAST 200 out of my pool and there's still more!! Someone help!!! I am going crazy with these nasty little things!!!
When I said I have TON of water bugs I mean it... I must have pulled AT LEAST 200 out of my pool and there's still more!! Someone help!!! I am going crazy with these nasty little things!!!
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- My Pool: 27 ft above ground, cartridge filter
- Location: DeKalb
water bugs? Look here.
ME TOO! I even cried in defeat this morning! We cleaned out the filter, shocked like crazy and vacuumed HUNDREDS of them out. I'm scared to look in the pool again in the AM....if they're more I am going to FREAK!! The bugs are all dead and just scattered all over the bottom of the pool. Guess dead is better then alive, but where are they coming from? Do they hatch and die cause I have so much algacide in the pool??? What should I do???
water bugs? Look here.
I don't know what more to do... I clean the filter, brush them up from the floor, skim on top of the water and still can't manage to get them all out... they are all dead... but I still don't like the idea of swimming in water filled with dead bugs!! It's just gross!!
water bugs? Look here.
I work for a pool service servicing all of Chester County & Delaware County, PA and before you use any algae remover or preventor, refer to the directios on the back of the bottle. Also check to see what kind of algae it kills. Usually the best algae killers have some form of copper sulfate in them.
water bugs? Look here.
We have these bugs too. Is it safe for kids if they accidently drink the water. I have a 3 & 4 year old who constantly swallow the water on accident, is this killer of bugs... safe for children?
water bugs? Look here.
Ok so nobady had the back up algeacide but I had algeacide with copper in it and woke upi this morning to thet water bugs floating on top dead.My kid got bit and would not go in the pool til I took care of it so you don't need the biogurad one just an algeacide that has copper in it.Thanks for all the info thought i was never gonna get rid of them due to us haveing a creak run behind the house
water bugs? Look here.
CLOROX BLEACH we use bleach to clean the pool almost every day about half a bottle when we got those
bugs we tried it and dam its fast put about 1 bottle to start then youll know if you need to add a little
more we use bleach and the kids go rite in and swim and it clears your water real fast we have a big pool
never use anything else and it stays clean we sweep it a little that it cheep an ez
CLOROX BLEACH we use bleach to clean the pool almost every day about half a bottle when we got those
bugs we tried it and dam its fast put about 1 bottle to start then youll know if you need to add a little
more we use bleach and the kids go rite in and swim and it clears your water real fast we have a big pool
never use anything else and it stays clean we sweep it a little that it cheep an ez
- I'm new here
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- Joined: Tue 03 Aug, 2010 19:50
- My Pool: Our pool is above ground, 2010, Oval, butress free , 15X30X52
1hp pump with large sand filter - Location: New Brunswick
water bugs? Look here.
We had the pool bug know as Boatman. They are terribly hard to get rid of. We thought we were successful the 1st time but noticed them back again a few days later. We live across the street from a marsh so I think we were getting reinfected each night. We kept our clorine levels very high. Used algaescide 600 plus scrubbed the heck out of the pool. They have been gone now for several days and I hope they do not return. We were scooping them out and killing them but then switched to using the vacuum and sucking them up. That works much better. At least the boatman are the type that do not bite, I would hate to get the ones that do. Pool store was no help what so ever. I was telling them what to do in the end and we have only had our pool a couple of months. It took about 8 days in all to get rid of them.
- Swimming Pool Superstar
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- Joined: Wed 17 Feb, 2010 22:47
- My Pool: License # CPO34-283076
- Location: Tampa Bay, FL
water bugs? Look here.
Donna wrote:We had the pool bug know as Boatman. They are terribly hard to get rid of. We thought we were successful the 1st time but noticed them back again a few days later. We live across the street from a marsh so I think we were getting reinfected each night. We kept our clorine levels very high. Used algaescide 600 plus scrubbed the heck out of the pool. They have been gone now for several days and I hope they do not return. We were scooping them out and killing them but then switched to using the vacuum and sucking them up. That works much better. At least the boatman are the type that do not bite, I would hate to get the ones that do. Pool store was no help what so ever. I was telling them what to do in the end and we have only had our pool a couple of months. It took about 8 days in all to get rid of them.
In order to permanently get rid of these pests, you really need to be sure NO algae whatsoever is present in the pool, at all! This is done by keeping your pH, Alkalinity, Free Chlorine & CYA levels in perfect balance, as well as constant brushing and vacuuming of the walls, floor, steps, & any other surfaces that are in the water. Weekly shocking may be required for some time to be sure absolutely no algae is present in the pool. Once the pool is perfectly clean, you need to backwash your filters regularly including taking it apart and manually cleaning it at least once every 6 months (more for cartridge). While algaecide isn't necessary, it will definitely help in keeping the algae positively GONE from the pool. Be sure to use a polyquat type algaecide as the linearquat algaecides tend to foam if accidentally overdosed. Hope this information will help since your local pool store failed to do so.
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