Color Pool Light

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Color Pool Light

Postby 2lkmead » Wed 12 Apr, 2006 10:46

I would like to replace my current pool light (an American Products light) with the Hayward ColorLogic light. Does anyone know if the Hayward light will fit into the American Products niche? If so, are there any special adapter rings (or whatever) required.

If not, any suggestions on colored lights similar to the ColorLogic.

Lastly, any expericenes good or bad with the Hayward light?


Pool light help

Postby Poolo » Wed 12 Apr, 2006 16:01

Pentair makes Spectrum Amerlite which I seem to remember using the same niche as American Products. Not sure if the Hayward would fit. What did your Hayward dealer say?

The Amerlite is a tungsten light while the ColorLogic is LED, which is more economical to run and has a longer life.

Color Pool Light

Postby Guest » Thu 27 Apr, 2006 11:00

As a follow-up, the Hayward Color-Logic pool light does fit the American Products niche.

I am really impressed with the light and would highly recommend it to anyone consider a color light! :D

Color Pool Light

Postby Guest » Thu 27 Apr, 2006 11:01

As a follow-up, the Hayward Color-Logic pool light does fit the American Products niche.

I am really impressed with the light and would highly recommend it to anyone considering a color light! :D

WARNING about Super Vision IGP231

Postby Sychev9 » Tue 16 May, 2006 16:39

Some comments on Super Vision IGP231 LED lights:

This light transforms your pool into a light show. Installation is simple, no different from other pool lights, and operation is pretty simple - toggle light switch to change color modes.

Light stopped working 3 months after installation. Not just few LED burned out, but the entire light is broken. No, it did not get wet, and wiring is correct (replacement light works fine).

Company denied my warranty claim - replacement for one year from the original purchase - based on some bogus excuse that store where I bought the light is not covered under their warranty.
My further questions of why claim was denied was unanswered at all.

I will not buy $350 light from a company that does not honor it's warranty.

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