I got my Wizard, but also a question...

The Pool Wizard, Nature2, the Frog and other mineral systems for
simpler pool care. Non-chlorine Pristine Blue, Rainforest Blue and similar.
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I got my Wizard, but also a question...

Postby mmm6075 » Tue 18 Apr, 2006 16:51

I received my pool wizard in the mail today. I ordered it friday night. Very quick service!

Anyway, the wizard came in it's own little box, along with a jar of blue stuff. Now, is the Wizard itself ready to go, and this jar a recharge for next season, or do I have to use this jar with the pool wizard the 1st time? The instructions do not specify.

Also, this will be the 1st time I am filling this brand new pool. Do I have to do anything special to the water before I start using the wizard (shock?) ?

Thanks in advance!


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Pool Wizard installation

Postby Larry » Wed 19 Apr, 2006 00:35

Hi Mike

You have ordered the Above Ground Pool Wizard. The Pool Wizard Unit (in the box) does not contain any minerals. The "jar of blue stuff" is the active minerals the Pool Wizard uses to keep the pool water sparkling and clean.

Our recommendations for installation are:
  1. if the water is green or you have an algae problem then shock the pool
  2. backwash or clean the filter
  3. put the Unit into the pump basket or skimmer basket
  4. drop the block of Active Minerals into the skimmer
  5. run the pump for at least 8 hours, preferably 12 or more
  6. do not backwash for 3 days
  7. run the pump for at least 6 hours a day in the hot summer months
  8. check and adjust the pH and free chlorine levels at least once but preferably twice a week
  9. enjoy the swimming

It really is that easy!

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