replacing a rusting panel?

Construction or upgrading of new or existing
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replacing a rusting panel?

Postby Guest » Mon 24 Apr, 2006 09:57


Hope someone can help me. We just bought a house and it has a large oval above ground pool. The panel with the skimmer box apparantly had a leak on it, and has caused the bottom of the panel to rust and start to bulge out at the bottom. I have been told it is possible to have individual panels replaced.

My questions is replacing the panel worth it? How much would it cost compared to getting a new pool? Is it a lot of work?

Thanks for any help you can give.


replacing panel

Postby anotheruser » Tue 25 Apr, 2006 13:40

You need to do a Google on the pool brand and (if possible) the model of the pool, since each brand may have several. The panel may be very reasonably priced. If the pool has water in it, draining the pool to replace the panel will result in a new liner being needed. You can't re-use a liner once they are drained.

It may also be possible to just repair the damaged area and reseal it well enough to protect the liner - depending on how large the damaged area is. If the company is still in business, check out the manufacturer's site to see about replacement parts. Worth a shot and bound to be cheaper than a new pool, but you may be out of luck if the company is out of business.

Postby Guest » Thu 27 Apr, 2006 07:10

I have no idea what the pool brand and model is. This pool is about 15 years old.

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