How long should I wait?
How long should I wait?
I have had cloudy water after I have shocked it with 6 bags of shock, I have some stuff on the bottom that needed to be vaccummed, so I did that then superclorinated and added a Clarifier... the vacuumed stirred up some funk and it is cloudy now, so how long do I wait for it clear up, or should I just add a plain shock??
Cloudy water advice
Run your pump round the clock for a couple of days. The shock itself contains calcium, which most definitely leads to cloudiness. The color lightens each day until it clears by itself, usually within 4-7 days.
Cloudy water problem
Check your calcium hardness. The shock may have pushed the calcium levels above the recommended maximum of 400ppm.
Well I went by the pool store yesterday and told them that I was STILL having problems, they asked me to bring in another sample, they tested it and it showed no chlorine, although my test showed 3, and low pH but that was kinda expected because we have had quite a bit of rain the past couple days... I also took pics of my water in the pool so they could see what I was talking about... so I was in structed to get my pH, chlorine and TA up and then use a super floc, let the pump run for about 2 hours, then turn off overnight, then vaccum to waste... does this sound right?? Here's hoping!! The store mgr felt bad because It's still bad so he gave me a hefty discount on the stuff I bought!
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