QUIET pool pumps?

Pool pumps, pool filters and the plumbing of
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Postby Teapot » Sun 14 Jan, 2018 05:38

chem geek wrote:I have a Pentair IntelliFlow variable-speed pump and when it is at a low-speed for general circulation at around 26 GPM, 1500 RPM, 275 Watts, then it is very, very quiet -- I've measured it at 60 dB in the pump shed and around 65 dB about 1 foot from the pump (normal outdoor "quiet" is around 50 dB). At 48 GPM, 2350 RPM, 865 Watts, it's around 65 dB in the pump shed and 70 dB 1 foot from the pump.


Whereas Richard, if you pop in on this forum any time my pump is 29dB at filtration and 49 dB on backwash but some of that noise is the water and not the pump.

1700 RPM at 59 watts 29dB @1 meter (30 US gallons)
2850 RPM at 274 watts 49db @ 1 meter (55 US gallons)
Yep, showing off Lol.

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Re: QUIET pool pumps?

Postby paulr33 » Mon 15 Jan, 2018 05:24

we have an astral e140 which is rated at 57db and its quiet as a mouse on low speed, 1300RPM and it works fine for our pool, 45000 litres approx. Astral is an australian brand
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Re: QUIET pool pumps?

Postby Teapot » Mon 15 Jan, 2018 05:33

paulr33 wrote:we have an astral e140 which is rated at 57db and its quiet as a mouse on low speed,

That's one noisy mouse, are Australian mice that noisy or is it some other marsupial? :lol:

How much electricity does your noisy mouse consume? Noise is a waste of energy to.
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Re: QUIET pool pumps?

Postby Wile.E » Sat 24 Mar, 2018 05:25

Teapot, very interested to know more about your pool pump, i.e. what make, model and HP? I have a BADU Top12 which is old and apparently a good pump but it is single speed, relatively noisy and greedy when it comes to electric consumption......I might have to change it soon! Cheers! Wile.E (UK based)
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Re: QUIET pool pumps?

Postby Teapot » Mon 26 Mar, 2018 14:15

Hello Wile.E. welcome,
I use various pool pumps depending on the setup they are going on and the requirement, very much a bespoke service than one size fits all, that what got the pool industry where it is now and I am trying to show how little electricity it can really take to operate a domestic pool. I would need to know more of the setup, maybe a picture or two? Where are you roughly?

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