Pool got cloudy after shocking

Causes and cures for cloudy swimming pool water.
Milky pool water, white, pink, brown, purple, black cloudy water.
Jason - OBPS

cloudy all the way through the water

Postby Jason - OBPS » Wed 08 Sep, 2010 10:44

Pool User wrote:no it stood cloudy all the way through the water

Flock it. With Robarbs Down and Out. Follow the dosage and application instructions completely. Including shutting off the equipment for 24 to 48 hrs! Hopefully you have a multiport valve you can vacuum to waste after it has settled. Then run your equipment 24/7 sand will keep clean water clean but dirty or cloudy water will take a bit more time and it will need help. The rule of thumb for back washing a sand filter is 8 to 10 PSI above clean pressure is when you need to BW again. Remember the sand in the filters needs to settle in order for it to filter because the water is pushed through the sand. Flock it first and don't put anymore chemicals in as you will only waste your $$$. After the water is clear then adjust your chemicals starting with Alkalinity > PH > Chlorine > everything else...


Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby stephen » Fri 07 Jan, 2011 05:12

use liquid chlorine. the powdered chlorine is the main cause of the problem, try it and see for yourself. dry chlorine is just a way to sell more chemicals (to clean up the cloudy mess it makes)
Dave in Aus

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby Dave in Aus » Tue 18 Jan, 2011 02:51

All points above are valid but one point I've noticed missing, thanks to bitter experience, is have you used a garden or pest spray near the pool recently? I did this two weeks ago and was at my wits end, our local pool guy asked in passing if we had (we had done both) and we needed to add 5kg of chlorine just to deal with the residual spray, which doesn't show up on regular or in shop tests. worked a treat, crystal clear, and levels stayed well within normal ranges following the massive dose and backwashing.
Hope this helps.
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Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby billsoukup » Sat 05 Feb, 2011 09:13

Many times a pool will cloud up after shocking. This typically is an indication that your pool was going to cloud anyway. The chlorine did it's job, killed the algae that you couldn't see in the water, just not yet. You need to raise the chlorine level to about 10 PPM to clear up a cloudy pool. If your chlorine was low after shocking, the pool could take a long time to clear up.
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Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby discountpool » Tue 15 Feb, 2011 01:49

the cloudiness is probably oxygen from the shock...try running the filter 24 hours a day for a few days

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby cantwait2swim » Sun 17 Jul, 2011 08:51

Same thing happened to our pool. Took water sample in to our local pool place here in NJ and 2 people ahead of us had the very same problem!!! He said there is an overwhelming amount of people coming in this year with cloudy water (looks like tropical water from distance). He said we had Nitrate block. We needed to over shock it to break the block. We could either throw extra amounts (3x's?) of super shock every 3 hrs until clear, or we could throw in all at once 15 gals (for our size pool- 15,000 gal) of liquid chlorine. We chose the latter, didnt feel like going out every 3 hrs. OMG!!! It was noticeably dif. within 2 hrs by 4hrs we could see the bottom and the next morning crystal clear!!! Dont be alarmed to see foam on top of water at first. Hope this helps
This really works

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby This really works » Sun 17 Jul, 2011 12:56

Had the same problem after a storm(GREEN POOL). All tests were fine. Read this and took the advice. What I did. Which cleared it in ONE hour. Backwashed and rinsed twice. Turned filter back to filter setting. Added one pint of CLORAX. Job done!!! Good luck to you all. By the way, we live in the Carribean.
This Really Works

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby This Really Works » Sun 17 Jul, 2011 12:59

Sorry. Forgot to mention. Added CLORAX directly into skimmer. Good luck all!

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby zoombroom » Wed 27 Jul, 2011 13:41

:mrgreen: :shock: :)

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby dger » Thu 18 Aug, 2011 19:15

After trying the shock, clarifier, vacuuming and backwashing, I still had cloudy water. Then I used a "phosphate remover" and I had clear water the next day.

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby John75 » Sat 10 Mar, 2012 19:08

Hi Conrad! Have you read this guide about pool water filtration and chemicals at www.indoorpoolguide.com/filtration-systems and www.indoorpoolguide.com/water-chemicals

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby SCVPoolGuy » Fri 18 May, 2012 22:49

cantwait2swim wrote:Same thing happened to our pool. Took water sample in to our local pool place here in NJ and 2 people ahead of us had the very same problem!!! He said there is an overwhelming amount of people coming in this year with cloudy water (looks like tropical water from distance). He said we had Nitrate block. We needed to over shock it to break the block. We could either throw extra amounts (3x's?) of super shock every 3 hrs until clear, or we could throw in all at once 15 gals (for our size pool- 15,000 gal) of liquid chlorine. We chose the latter, didnt feel like going out every 3 hrs. OMG!!! It was noticeably dif. within 2 hrs by 4hrs we could see the bottom and the next morning crystal clear!!! Dont be alarmed to see foam on top of water at first. Hope this helps

This is the best answer so far. Nitrate block isn't the problem, it's chloramines that are the problem. With high nitrate levels = the pool needs to be drained. Check http://www.poolwizard.net/problems/chloramines.htm for more info.

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby degrbi » Wed 30 May, 2012 08:11

This winter was very mild here and nothing really froze. When I uncovered the pool, it looked as good as it ever had. I put in shock, liquid, and then it went cloudy. I have tried adjusted my pH, clarifiers, I even changed the sand in the filter. Nobody has any ideas at the pool place.
Chlorine 6.02
pH 7.6
Total Alkalinity 170
Calcium 75

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby Guest » Sat 23 Jun, 2012 19:51

If you shock your and it tested normal and it is still green can I ask if you have well water ? Cause if you do that is a common problem let your pool store know you do if that is the case and they have something you can add to take care of the problem

Pool got cloudy after shocking

Postby dio » Sun 01 Jul, 2012 12:40

try pool clarifyer it is the easiest and most affordable solution

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