
Liner issues and problems installing or
maintaining above ground swimming pools.


Postby Wanda323 » Mon 01 May, 2006 19:02

I have had my above ground pool installed now for 4 weeks today, I was vaccuming is this afternoon and noticed there is grass on the inside growing through the liner, has anyone had this problem before and know what I should do?

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Postby hrsdennis » Mon 01 May, 2006 21:59

Hi Wanda, it happens to me now and again and I am a proffesional installer. If you had the pool installed you should call the installer.

Grass can be taken care of in two ways. If the ground underneath was treated and the grass is within a few feet of the edge of the pool, a good strong grass killer around the outer edge should kill the grass.

The holes can be easily patched with a vinyl patch kit with the pool full of water.

If the grass is all over the bottom I would drain the pool, pull the liner back and retreat the ground. At that time I would repair the holes from the underside of the liner.

Hope this helps, Dennis
AG Pool builder for 35 years

Postby Wanda323 » Tue 02 May, 2006 09:47

Hi Dennis and thanks so much for your reply!! I bought this pool just 4 weeks ago and I was so upset with the grass I called Watson's (where I bought the pool) and explained to them what has happened, they were SO NICE!! They are coming on Friday and replacing the liner and killing the grass with a chemical they have, and they are going to pay for filling the pool again, only cost to me is $98.31 for a bag of 'nut grass killer' . I only seen grass growing aroung the edges of the liner all the way around be he said if it is growing there it won't be long till it will be growing everywhere. He also said that as long as I do not pull any of the grass up my pool will not lose any water that somehow when the grass sticks through it is sealed till it is pulled. I can't believe how nice they are being about it and replacing my liner for me!

Postby Guest » Sat 03 May, 2008 17:04

Wanda323 wrote:Hi Dennis and thanks so much for your reply!! I bought this pool just 4 weeks ago and I was so upset with the grass I called Watson's (where I bought the pool) and explained to them what has happened, they were SO NICE!! They are coming on Friday and replacing the liner and killing the grass with a chemical they have, and they are going to pay for filling the pool again, only cost to me is $98.31 for a bag of 'nut grass killer' . I only seen grass growing aroung the edges of the liner all the way around be he said if it is growing there it won't be long till it will be growing everywhere. He also said that as long as I do not pull any of the grass up my pool will not lose any water that somehow when the grass sticks through it is sealed till it is pulled. I can't believe how nice they are being about it and replacing my liner for me!
Hi I am having the same problem, I have had my pool for 3 weeks and already have 6 spots of grass growing through. i drained the water, a pain, and was told that there is a grass killer called blast it. i used round up before installing and used sand and a tarp underneath. i am not taking a chance again i will put a bunch of tarps this go round and the strongest grass killer I can find!

Postby Guest » Sat 03 May, 2008 19:56

Get gorilla pad.

Postby Guest » Sun 04 May, 2008 13:11

Anonymous wrote:Get gorilla pad.
do you currently use gorilla pad and how effective is it and for how long? i am reluctant to buy it because I do not know anyone who has ever used it. Do you think that using rubber padding like neoprene could help. i know rubber does not absorb sunlight and it is soft

Postby Guest » Sun 04 May, 2008 21:40

I use it for a smoother bottom... I don't really have a problem with grass.

I hear it helps though. 8)

Postby Guest » Thu 15 May, 2008 15:50

Anonymous wrote:I use it for a smoother bottom... I don't really have a problem with grass.

I hear it helps though. 8)

anybody looking for something to stop grass from growing through their pools, do your research. All these pool companies are selling happy bottom, ultimate bottom, perfect bottom etc..look up what it is made of, polyethene, It is sold at home depot for about 13$ a roll. I payed about 60 for 4 rolls. The pool place wanted to charge me almost 300 bucks for the same material. It is a rip off! :twisted:
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Postby zigler71 » Tue 26 Aug, 2008 12:52

What waton's did you deal with? They told me they won't cover grass coming through the liner. It's an act of god


Postby nlaconcha » Fri 25 Jun, 2010 20:14

I tried gorilla pad and I had like 10 weeds growing through it in less then 2 months. In my opinion it does not work at all.
grass again!


Postby grass again! » Sat 21 May, 2011 10:46

I also used Gorilla Pad and a tarp and the grass has come through again! :evil: I am thinking of using roofing paper under the pool as well as the gorilla pad and 2 tarps! Is there a chemical treatment that actually works on this stuff????


Postby rekromero » Sun 24 Jul, 2011 21:45

Hello new pool owner. Same as Wanda. How do I patch the hole with pool full of water. Plz help. Hot in Oklahoma.
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Postby CarG2 » Thu 27 Oct, 2011 16:52

There are many places you can find supplies to fix this problem. You could do a simple Google search to find the nearest specialty store or hardware store. It's best if you take care of it from the beginning, but I suppose grass and weeds seem to grow everywhere sometimes. All you need is a good grass/weed killer and a thick pool pad (assuming it's an above ground pool) This should keep your pool area looking great!

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