Homemade pool heater !

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Homemade pool heater !

Postby Guest » Thu 04 May, 2006 09:32

I was recently told about a cheap and easy way to heat your pool. I was told that I could paint a 45 galon drum black and run about 300 feet of 3/4 inch tubing inside. This system placed in the sun would work. Has anyone heard or tried a similar solar system ?


Solar pool heater

Postby Guest » Fri 05 May, 2006 04:23

It may make a difference for a small pool in a hot, sunny climate.
pool user

Postby pool user » Sun 04 Jun, 2006 18:22

I tried this on my 16x32 inground

I placed about 300 feet of garden hose ont he roof of the shed....hooked up one end to the in line and the other to the out line. Worked like a charm...increased pool temp about 4 degrees

Postby Guest » Mon 12 Jun, 2006 19:02

I don't think putting it a barrel would be as effective - the tubing would need to be exposed to the sun.

Postby Guest » Fri 13 Jul, 2007 10:01

I bet if you sat in the barrel for a few minutes and then sat in the sun - you would see the temperature difference.

Postby Guest » Sat 14 Jul, 2007 18:06

:shock: :lol:

No Crap!
How could I build something like this for a 24' above ground?!

Postby Guest » Tue 17 Jul, 2007 20:22

take a enerfoil 4 by 8 sheet of isulation a sheet of plywood in behind for a backer on the sheet of insulation ,.install a 2 by 2 on top of insulation at perimeter then black pipe goes on the insulation with an inlet and an outlet from your pool a sheet of 4 by 8 glass or plexiglass goes on the top face to the sun and enjoy a nice worm pool.

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