pace_stang wrote:I'm in the same boat as the rest, water tests good, cloudy, etc... The pool place says it's dead algae and needs to be removed, got the sock (today) and supposed to vacuum, etc etc...
Anyone with any suggestions? I've been at this for 10 days now, shocked, chlorine, stabilizer, and clarifier since then... Live in Florida so not sure on the water.
Thanks in advance.
i live in kentucky and im having the same problem just ready to close mine short of draining it. ive been to three different pool places 20 and 30 years experience all tell me the same thing i have flocked it shocked it clarified it changed my filter sand and all my readings say everythings fine but yet it dosent want to hold clorine for very long. they tell me to just super shock it i have nothing works, i take my water to them evey week for a read out i dont think any of them know what is wrong with the water they just keep selling you the products and you still have cloudy water my pool bottom is clean my sock in the skimmer basket is clean, AND THEY WANT TO CHARGE YOU MONEY FOR ASKING A QUESTION THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY TRIED.... good luck ive been trying to clear mine since april 5th and ive spent almost 1000 dollors in chemicals not worth it....